How can I compare two datetime fields in MySQL?

How can I compare two datetime fields in MySQL?

  1. Answer #1: The query you want to show as an example is: SELECT * FROM temp WHERE mydate > ‘2009-06-29 16:00:44’;
  2. Answer #2: You can use the following SQL to compare both date and time – Select * From temp where mydate > STR_TO_DATE(‘2009-06-29 04:00:44’, ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s’);
  3. Answer #4: Do you want to order it?

How can I compare current date and date in SQL Server?

  1. MySQL: (SQL Fiddle | db<>fiddle) Using DATE: select * from dates where dte = cast(now() as date) ;
  2. PostgreSQL: (SQL Fiddle | db<>fiddle) Using DATE: select * from dates where dte = current_date ;
  3. Oracle: (SQL Fiddle)

Where date is greater than in MySQL?

MySQL where date greater than 30 days ago DATE(expression): Will get the date value from the DATE or DATETIME expression passed in as a parameter. CURDATE(): Will return current date either in ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ or ‘YYYYMMDD’ format depending on if the curdate() function is used in a string or numeric context.

How do you compare dates in MariaDB?

MariaDB: DATEDIFF Function

  1. Description. The MariaDB DATEDIFF function returns the difference in days between two date values.
  2. Syntax. The syntax for the DATEDIFF function in MariaDB is: DATEDIFF( date1, date2 )
  3. Note. Only the date portion of date1 and date2 is used in the DATEDIFF calculation.
  4. Applies To.
  5. Example.

How can I compare two date fields in SQL?

1 Answer

  1. We can compare two dates using equals to, less than, and greater than operators in SQL.
  2. If you want to find the employees joined on April 28th, 2020 from employee table:
  3. You can use the less than and greater than operators in a similar way.

How can I compare date and datetime in SQL Server?

The right way to compare date only values with a DateTime column is by using <= and > condition. This will ensure that you will get rows where date starts from midnight and ends before midnight e.g. dates starting with ’00:00:00.000′ and ends at “59:59:59.999”.

Can SQL Compare dates?

In SQL, the date value has DATE datatype which accepts date in ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ format. To compare two dates, we will declare two dates and compare them using the IF-ELSE statement. We can declare variables easily by using the keyword DECLARE before the variable name.

How do I get data greater than a date in SQL?

select * from dbo. March2010 A where A. Date >= 2005; ( 2010 minus 4 minus 1 is 2005 Converting it to a proper datetime , and using single quotes will fix this issue.)

How do I query a date less than in SQL?

“query less than datetime sql” Code Answer

  1. select *
  2. from dbo. March2010 A.
  3. where A. Date >= ‘2010-04-01’

How do I check if two dates are equal in SQL?

This can be easily done using equals to(=), less than(<), and greater than(>) operators. In SQL, the date value has DATE datatype which accepts date in ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ format. To compare two dates, we will declare two dates and compare them using the IF-ELSE statement.

What is the difference between date and datetime in SQL Server?

DATE: It is used for values with a date part but no time part. DATETIME: It is used for values that contain both date and time parts. MySQL retrieves and displays DATETIME values in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. The supported range is 1000-01-01 00:00:00 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59 .

How to insert datetime into MySQL?

A quick/easy method to insert date or datetime into MySQL is to use the format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’, or datetime as ‘yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss’.

What are date and time functions in MySQL?


  • date () The date () function is used to get the date from given date/datetime.
  • adddate () The adddata () function is used to get the date in which some time/date intervals are added.
  • curdate () The curdate () function is used to get the current date.
  • current_date () The current_date () function is used to get the current date.
  • How to date format with MySQL?

    In MySQL, the DATE_FORMAT () function allows you to format the date and time. Here’s an example: SELECT DATE_FORMAT (‘2018-12-01’, ‘%W, %d %M %Y’); Result: Saturday, 01 December 2018. In this example, %W is for the weekday name, %d is for the day of the month, %M is for Month, and %Y is for Year.

    How do you compare dates in SQL?

    The right way to compare date only values with a DateTime column is by using <= and > condition. This will ensure that you will get rows where date starts from midnight and ends before midnight e.g. dates starting with ’00:00:00.000′ and ends at “59:59:59.999”.

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