Is the kissing disease real?

Is the kissing disease real?

Infectious mononucleosis (mono) is often called the kissing disease. The virus that causes mono (Epstein-Barr virus) is spread through saliva. You can get it through kissing, but you can also be exposed by sharing a glass or food utensils with someone who has mono.

What is the kissing disease called?

About Infectious Mononucleosis. Infectious mononucleosis, also called “mono,” is a contagious disease. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the most common cause of infectious mononucleosis, but other viruses can also cause this disease. It is common among teenagers and young adults, especially college students.

How did I get mono?

HOW DID I GET MONO? Infectious mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). EBV can spread through contact with saliva from an infected person; for example, you can get it through kissing, sharing eating utensils with, or drinking from the same glass as someone who is infected with the virus.

Can I kiss my boyfriend if we both have mono?

It is advisable to at least refrain from kissing while there are active symptoms present (i.e. sore throat, fever, swollen glands). Mono may be contracted from carriers (someone who has the organism causing the disease, but who does not become ill).

How did my child get mono?

Mono often is spread through contact with infected saliva by kissing, coughing, sneezing or sharing drinking glasses or food utensils. Most kids are exposed to EBV at some point in their childhoods and may experience mild symptoms or none at all. Children exposed to EBV have a 50% chance of developing symptoms of mono.

How long are you contagious with glandular fever?

How to stop glandular fever spreading. Glandular fever is spread through spit, so you can get it through kissing or by sharing cups or cutlery. You’re infectious for up to 7 weeks before you get symptoms. You can go back to school or work as soon as you start to feel better.

What’s worse mono or the flu?

Mono Symptoms Tend to Be Similar to Those of Colds and the Flu — but They May Be Worse and Last Longer. Mono tends to bring about the same symptoms as a cold or flu, but they linger longer and can be more severe.

How long after glandular fever can you kiss?

Glandular fever is spread through spit, so you can get it through kissing or by sharing cups or cutlery. You’re infectious for up to 7 weeks before you get symptoms. You can go back to school or work as soon as you start to feel better.

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