What is the meaning of apathetic in a dictionary?

What is the meaning of apathetic in a dictionary?

adjective. having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior. not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive: an apathetic audience.

Where did the word apathy originate from?

“Apathy” was borrowed into English in the late 16th century from Greek “apatheia,” which itself comes from the adjective “apathēs,” meaning “without feeling.” “Apathēs,” in turn, was formed by combining the negating prefix “a-” with “pathos,” meaning “emotion.” Incidentally, if you’ve guessed that “pathos” is the …

What do you call a person who don’t care?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others.

What is the suffix of apathy?

suffix. Pathy is defined as a feeling or suffering, a disease or the treatment for a disease. An example of pathy as a suffix is apathy, which is the lack of feeling. An example of pathy as a suffix is myopathy, which is the disease of a muscle.

What are two antonyms for apathy?

antonyms for apathy

  • interest.
  • care.
  • concern.
  • feeling.
  • passion.
  • sensitivity.
  • sympathy.
  • warmth.

What do you call someone who disregards your feelings?

You call that person “a cold-hearted person” as it means: Without sympathy, feeling or compassion; callous or heartless. [ Wiktionary] Or you can call him “an unfeeling person”: Without emotion or sympathy. [

What is an example sentence for apathetic?

Apathetic Sentence Examples He was incorrigibly frivolous, idle and apathetic; his father had given. He had shown himself so incapable and apathetic that his followers were sick of fighting for such a despicable master.

What is a word for not caring what others think?

careless, casual, easy-going, flippant, happy-go-lucky, heedless, insouciant, nonchalant, reckless, swaggering, swashbuckling, unconcerned.

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