What is Konrad Lorenz theory?

What is Konrad Lorenz theory? Lorenz found that geese follow the first moving object they see. This process is known as imprinting, and suggests that attachment is innate and programmed genetically. Lorenz believed that once imprinting has occurred, it cannot be reversed, nor can a gosling imprint on anything else. What did Konrad Lorenz say […]

Are Han Solo and Chewbacca best friends?

Are Han Solo and Chewbacca best friends? Han Solo and Chewbacca are one of cinema’s most well-known double-acts. Think of one of them, and you cannot help but think of the other. They are clearly best friends, even if they do argue a bit at times. Why are Han Solo and Chewbacca friends? Chewbacca with […]

What are 4 examples of parasitic plants?

What are 4 examples of parasitic plants? 5 Awesome Parasitic Plants Corpse flower. monster flower. Thurber’s stemsucker. On the opposite end of the size spectrum is the minute Pilostyles thurberi, or Thurber’s stemsucker. Dodder. parasitic dodder. Dwarf mistletoe. dwarf mistletoe. Australian Christmas tree. Australian Christmas tree. What are the three examples of parasitic plants? All […]

What are the different classes of construction?

What are the different classes of construction? ISO defines six construction classes for commercial buildings Construction Class 1 — Frame. Construction Class 2 — Joisted masonry. Construction Class 3 — Noncombustible. Construction Class 4 — Masonry noncombustible. Construction Class 5 — Modified fire resistive. Construction Class 6 — Fire resistive. What does construction class mean? […]

What is an EPEA approval?

What is an EPEA approval? According to the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA), you must obtain approval for certain land, water and air projects. What are the two major acts under Alberta environment that is designed to regulate industrial activities? Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD) is responsible for a number of major […]

What happened between Joshua and judges?

What happened between Joshua and judges? The book of Joshua primarily recounts the entry of the Israelites into the land of Canaan; how they conquered the land, and how the land was later divided all under the leadership of Joshua himself; the book of Judges recounts the conquest of the land of Canaan under the […]

How do you make a GDP graph?

How do you make a GDP graph? Write the smallest GDP figure from all countries’ data on the bottom of the axis on the left side, the y-axis. Write the largest GDP figure on the top of the y-axis. Label the lines in between with their corresponding figures. Plot each point from your data on […]

What is the best shape for a glider?

What is the best shape for a glider? The best shape for an airplane or glider would look like the ASH-30mi, an open class glider with an 86.9ft wingspan, and a 41:1 aspect ratio (wing length to wing chord). It has a glide ratio exceeding 60:1, and is considered the state of the art for […]

What to answer when asked what are your salary expectations?

What to answer when asked what are your salary expectations? For example: “Given the responsibilities of the position and the number of people I’d be managing, I think $XX is a fair figure. “I’m really excited by the challenges you described! “I’m thinking $XX. “I remember the salary range you gave me earlier, and I […]

What does the school board do?

What does the school board do? School boards set the vision, goals, and policy for the district. The superintendent answers to the board, implementing policies and directives, making recommendations, providing leadership, and generally serving as a resource. What makes a good school board member? School board members must be able to back up their decisions […]

What is the formula of coordinate proof?

What is the formula of coordinate proof? The coordinate proof is a proof of a geometric theorem which uses “generalized” points on the Cartesian Plane to make an argument. The method usually involves assigning variables to the coordinates of one or more points, and then using these variables in the midpoint or distance formulas . […]

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