Is circumstantiality a formal thought disorder?

Is circumstantiality a formal thought disorder?

Circumstantiality. People with circumstantiality, also known as circumstantial thinking, or circumstantial speech, often include excessive irrelevant details in their speaking or writing. They maintain their original train of thought but provide a lot of unnecessary details before circling back to their main point.

What is circumstantiality in psychiatric?

Circumstantiality is defined as circuitous and non-direct thinking or speech that digresses from the main point of a conversation.

What are the characteristics of thought disorder?

Symptoms of thought disorder include derailment, pressured speech, poverty of speech, tangentiality, and thought blocking. FTD is a hallmark feature of schizophrenia, but is also associated with other conditions including mood disorders, dementia, mania, and neurological diseases.

What is tangentiality and circumstantiality speech?

Circumstantiality: The speech is long and includes many words and (irrelevant) details; the person takes quite long to get to the point. This differs from tangentiality in which the person never gets to the point. Loss of goal: There is difficulty in maintaining the point of the answer.

What are over valued ideas?

An overvalued idea is a false belief that is maintained despite strong evidence that it is untrue.

What is the difference between derailment and Tangentiality?

Tangentiality: Replies to questions are off-point or totally irrelevant. Derailment (loosening of associations): spontaneous speech with marked impairments in topic maintenance.

What is circumstantial in thought process?

A circumstantial thought process is also known as circumstantiality. It’s when you include a lot of unnecessary and insignificant details in your conversation or writing. This takes away from the main point of what you’re saying.

What is an example of Tangentiality?

Examples of Tangentiality For example, when a therapist poses the question, “How was your week?” a person may respond with, “When I was five, my cat was killed.” When the therapist asks about the cat the person may then begin to discuss something completely different such as religious beliefs or previous illnesses.

What is circumstantial thought process?

What is the difference between circumstantial and tangential thinking?

CIRCUMSTANTIAL THINKING: an inability to differentiate the essential from the unessential. The patient gets lost in insignificant details without losing track of the question. TANGENTIAL THINKING: talking past or around the point; thoughts diverge from the topic..

What is passivity phenomenon?

phenomena in which individuals feel that some aspect of themselves is under the control of others.

What is Circumstantiality schizophrenia?

n. circuitous, indirect speech in which the individual digresses to give unnecessary and often irrelevant details before arriving at the main point. An extreme form, arising from disorganized associative processes, may occur in schizophrenia, obsessional disorders, and certain types of dementia.

Which is the best definition of circumstantiality?

Circumstantiality is defined as circuitous and non-direct thinking or speech that digresses from the main point of a conversation. An individual that displays this characteristic includes unnecessary and insignificant information which, although sometimes relevant, distracts from the central theme or main point of a conversation.

How is circumstantiality a symptom of formal thought disorder?

Eliciting information in clinical situations from circumstantial patients may be difficult and time-consuming. Along with tangentiality and flight of ideas, circumstantiality can often be a symptom of formal thought disorders such as schizophrenia or mood disorders with thought disturbances such as mania with psychosis.

When does circumstantial speech occur in a conversation?

Circumstantial speech (also referred to as circumstantiality) is the result of a so-called “non-linear thought pattern” and occurs when the focus of a conversation drifts, but often comes back to the point.

Which is more severe logorrhea or circumstantial speech?

Circumstantial speech is more direct than tangential speech in which the speaker wanders and drifts and usually never returns to the original topic, and is far less severe than logorrhea. 1 Symptoms.

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