How to add Template column in GridView dynamically in asp net?

How to add Template column in GridView dynamically in asp net?


  1. Protected Sub OnRowDataBound(sender As Object, e As GridViewRowEventArgs)
  2. If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then.
  3. Dim txtCountry As New TextBox()
  4. txtCountry.ID = “txtCountry”
  5. txtCountry.Text = TryCast(e.Row.DataItem, DataRowView).Row(“Country”).ToString()
  6. e.Row.Cells(1).Controls.Add(txtCountry)

Why we use TemplateField in GridView?

The TemplateField in the GridView control allows for a higher degree of flexibility in displaying data than is available with the other field controls. TemplateFields are ideal for situations where: Multiple data fields need to be displayed in one GridView column.

What is the difference between Boundfield and TemplateField in GridView?

Boundfield is a column bound direct to the datasource (column in a DB). A <asp:TemplateField /> is a customized column which can contain either a DB column as such or you may join together columns for display.

How do I add a field to a template?

To dynamically add a TemplateField object to a data-bound control, create a new TemplateField object, define the appropriate templates, and then add it to the data-bound control’s field collection. For example, if you are using the GridView control, add the TemplateField object to the Columns collection.

What is bound field in gridview in ASP NET?

BoundField is the default column type of the gridview server control. BoundField display the value of a field as text in gridview. gridview control display a BoundField object as a column. developers can specify the field to display in a BoundField object by setting its DataField property.

What is BoundField?

What is command field in gridview in ASP NET?

GridView is an web server control. CommandField represents a special field that displays command buttons to perform selecting, editing or deleting operations in gridview. gridview server control display a CommandField as a column.

What is edit item template in asp net?

The EditItemTemplate property usually contains input controls for the user to modify a value in a data source. To programmatically access a control defined in a template, first determine which TableCell object in the data-bound control contains the control.

How do you add a column to a grid?

By default, there is one row (Row0) and one column (Column0) in the grid, and the row and column edit buttons are visible. Click Insert new row. A new row (Row1) appears with its own set of buttons. Click Insert new column.

What is GridView in c#?

Gridview in ASP.NET Gridview is a control in, displays the values of a data source( sql server database) in a tabular form where each column represents a field and each row represents a record. The GridView control also, enables you to select, sort, and edit these items.

How to create a templatefield object in GridView?

– Set it’s Header-Text and other properties as necessary. – Then create a new object of this class and pass the type of item you want to create as the parameter to the constructor. – Set the ItemTemplate property of the TemplateField to the newly created object. – Then add this TemplateField object to the GridView object.

How to add boundfield column dynamically in GridView?

Dynamic BoundField and TemplateField columns will be created and then added to GridView after that the GridView will be populated from database. At runtime using the OnRowDataBound event of GridView, controls like TextBox, Button, etc. will be added to the Dynamic TemplateField columns.

How are boundfield and templatefield columns defined in HTML?

The HTML Markup consists of an HTML GridView with no columns defined. A BoundField and two TemplateField columns are dynamically created and added to the GridView control. For the BoundField column, DataField property has been defined, which is the name of the column that will be populated within it.

Can You dynamically add fields to a data bound control?

Although you can dynamically add fields to a data-bound control, it is strongly recommended that fields be statically declared and then shown or hidden, as appropriate. Statically declaring all your fields reduces the size of the view state for the parent data-bound control.

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