How do I respond to FL 685?

How do I respond to FL 685?

To respond, you must:

  1. Fill out your court forms.
  2. Have your forms reviewed.
  3. Make at least 2 copies of all your forms.
  4. File your forms with the court clerk.
  5. Serve your papers on the other parent.
  6. File your proof of service.
  7. Go to your court hearing.

What is a FL 685?

A: The FL-685 – Response to A Governmental Motion or Order to Show Cause is filed by the party who is being brought before the court to pay child support or answer/respond to whatever the court motion is.

Can parents agree to no child support in California?

Under this law, parents cannot make an agreement to waive this child support. Children have a constitutional right to care that parents cannot take away. You cannot waive child support in California because it is not in the best interest of the child.

How does child support serve papers?

If you are filing an initial child custody or child support case, the opposing party will need to be personally served with the Petition that you have filed. If the opposing party lives in the county where the petition is filed, you or the Circuit Clerk will give the Summons to the sheriff to serve.

How do you respond to a child custody petition in California?

To respond to a petition for child custody in California, a parent should fill out, review, make copies of, and file a Form FL-320, along with other forms. A process server must then serve the forms to the other child’s parent and file their proofs of service.

How do I adjust child support?

Making your Child Support Modification Official The parent who wants to change child support must file a change request with the court and get an order specifying the new support amount. Otherwise, the original child support order remains in place and the other parent could enforce the original child support order.

How do you find out if someone is trying to serve you papers?

1 attorney answer Be sure to search the court websites for Superior Court, State Court and Magistrate Court. Usually a case would be pending in the County where service is attempted (i.e., at your mother’s address), however, sometimes things are served…

How to use form FL-600 and fl-685?

If you also received a Summons and Complaint or Supplemental Complaint Regarding Parental Obligations (Form FL-600) at the same time, use both this Form FL-685 AND Form FL-610. You need to use either Form FL-150 or Form FL-155.

What to write on child support form fl-195?

When filling out Form FL-195, make sure to only write the last 4 digits of the social security number of the parent ordered to pay support – the law requires it to protect their privacy. Find more information on fee waivers. Forms to Change a Child Support Order with a Request for Order (Including Response Forms)

Which is financial form fl-155 or fl-150?

Forms to Change a Child Support Order Using a Simplified Motion (Including Response Forms) You need to use either Form FL-150 or Form FL-155. Read Which Financial Form – FL-155 or FL-150?

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