What degree should a chainsaw chain be sharpened at?

What degree should a chainsaw chain be sharpened at?

Most standard chain is sharpened at 25-35 degrees for crosscutting wood and for ripping with the grain it’s best to use 10 degrees. So if you are cutting with the grain, you should be using 10 degree sharpened chain. They do make ripping chain that comes sharpened at 10 degrees for cutting with the grain of a log.

What is down angle on a chainsaw chain?

Re: How Important Is The Down Angle According to the chain’s manufacturer, the chain should be sharpened with a 10 degree down angle, but with a note that when sharpening with a hand file to use a 0 degree down angle.

Why does my chainsaw blade go dull so fast?

With a single contact with the ground while running, a chainsaw can become very dull. This is because the ground contains sand and dust which is abrasive and contains a lot of tiny rocks. To avoid such occurrences, avoid cutting wood placed on the ground.

How much does it cost to sharpen chainsaw chain?

A 16″ chain costs anywhere from $13-20. Pay $4-7 per chain to sharpen, and that’s up to 50% of the cost of a new chain!

What is the down angle on a chainsaw chain?

According to the chain’s manufacturer, the chain should be sharpened with a 10 degree down angle, but with a note that when sharpening with a hand file to use a 0 degree down angle.

How often should you file rakers?

More experienced cutters have a good feel for how their saw is cutting, and simply take their rakers down whenever they seem to need it. In my case, that’s about once every five sharpenings, more or less, assuming nothing extraordinary happens, like hitting a rock.

Does cutting wet wood dull a chainsaw?

Using your chainsaw to cut through wet wood will not dull the chain any faster than using it for other types of wood. When you think about it, your chainsaw chain is already wet. True, it is not wet with water. Using your chainsaw to cut through wet wood will not change the efficiency of your chainsaw.

What is the best angle for chainsaw?

between 25° and 35°
The sharpening angle will generally be between 25° and 35° – the harder the wood, the greater the angle. To maintain the correct angle, we recommend that you use a sharpening grid or a filing gauge as an aid.

What angle sharpen Stihl chainsaw?

STIHL saw chains are generally filed to an angle of 30° – parallel to the service mark for the filing angle. Hold the file so that one quarter of its diameter projects above the top plate.

What is the purpose of rakers on chainsaw?

The depth gauge (rakers) on a chainsaw control how deep the cutter teeth penetrate. Because the top plate of the cutter tooth is angled back slightly, it is essential that the depth gauge be lowered as the cutter teeth are filed back.

How much does it cost to file rakers?

Re: sharpening chain, how far down to grind rakers? i use a small flat file that is about 6 inches long, really fine cut. i take 3 strokes per raker for hardwood and maybe one less for soft wood. do them all equal just like when you sharpen the chain. or your chain may start to jump up and down while cutting.

How do you sharpen a chainsaw?

The best way to sharpen a chainsaw is to file the teeth from the inside of the bar. This will lessen the chance of getting the file droppings into the bar channel. Sharpen one side first until it is already very sharp, then go on to the next one. Mark the ones you’ve already done filing with a marker.

What is the angle for sharpening a Stihl Chainsaw?

To properly sharpen a Stihl chainsaw blade, hold the file at a perfect right angle (90 degrees) and guide the file across the cutters at a 30 degree angle. This is parallel to the Stihl service mark on their brand of cutters and will give you the best results.

What angle to use on electric chain sharpener?

The most common swivel angle is 0 degrees to 60 degrees. Sometimes it is also increased to 80 degrees. Again go to the specification obtained from step 1 and see what is the given blade tooth angle. In the electric chainsaw sharpener this angle can be adjusted by loosening a knob in the blade holder.

What is a Chain Gauge?

Chain gauge is the drive links thickness where it fits into the bar groove you may need to use vernier calipers to make this measurement.

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