WHO recommended PEP regimen?

WHO recommended PEP regimen?

The following is recommended by CDC for PEP: TDF (300 mg), FTC (200 mg) once daily, RAL 400 mg twice daily or dolutegravir (DTG) 50 mg daily. TDF 200 mg, FTC (300 mg) once daily, RAL 200 mg twice daily or DTG 50 mg daily. FTC (200 mg) once daily, RAL 400 mg twice daily or DTG 50 mg daily.

How Soon Can HIV be detected after PEP?

You need to visit your nurse or doctor for follow-up testing after you finish PEP. You’ll get another HIV test 4-6 weeks after you were first exposed to HIV, and then you’ll be tested again 3 months later. Depending on your situation, your doctor may recommend another HIV test 6 months later.

What is the first step in post exposure prophylaxis management?

PEP Step 1: Treat Exposure Site ® Use soap and water to wash areas exposed to potentially infectious fluids as soon as possible after exposure. ® Flush exposed mucous membranes with water. ® Flush exposed eyes with water or saline solution.

When is PEP not recommended?

PEP may not be recommended if a person’s chance of getting HIV is low, either because their exposure carries no risk or very low risk of transmission (for example, oral sex) or because it is unlikely that the contact person is HIV positive. PEP is not intended for people with ongoing exposures to HIV.

What are 3 different pathogens where PEP is available?


  • Tetanus.
  • HIV.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Hepatitis B.
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Anthrax.
  • Lyme disease.
  • Does PEP affect antibody test?

    In very rare instances, it has been reported that in some people where PEP had failed, they took longer than the usual 6 months to test positive on an antibody test.

    Does PEP delay antibody test?

    Can I stop PEP after 7 days?

    PEP usually isn’t given more than 72 hours (3 days) after exposure as studies show it is unlikely to be effective. However, if you are unable to access PEP within the 72 hours, even if it has been up to 5-7 days since the exposure occurred, it is still worth seeking medical advice to see what your options are.

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