What did condescension used to mean?

What did condescension used to mean?

The word was adopted into English from the French condescendre, meaning “to come down from one’s rights or claims, to yield consent, acquiesce.” The verb was first recorded in English in 1340, when to “condescend” was to yield, to give way deferentially, or to be accommodating.

What does condescension mean in Pride and Prejudice?

Condescension, n. The act of condescending; voluntary descent from one’s rank or dignity in intercourse with an inferior; courtesy to inferiors.

Why is condescension bad?

In the emotional sciences, condescension usually connotes contempt. It’s bad enough to think you’ve been condescended to, but it’s even worse to face the idea that your boss or colleague might actually be thinking of you with contempt.

Is condescension the same as condescending?

Condescension is a noun form of the verb condescend, which most commonly means to behave in this way. When used this way, condescend, condescension, and the adjective condescending are always negative and imply that such behavior is insulting to the person or people it’s directed toward.

What is does condescension mean?

Full Definition of condescension 1 : patronizing attitude or behavior scoffing condescension by the “we know better than you” people— A. J. Anderson. 2 : voluntary descent from one’s rank or dignity in relations with an inferior.

What does condescend mean example?

To condescend is to talk to someone in a way that makes it clear you believe that you are better and smarter. An example of condescend is if you explain something to an adult with slow, deliberate words as if you were talking to a child.

Can condescension be positive?

Senior Member. The meaning has changed over time, and nowadays it’s probably always negative. It wasn’t always so: As every Jane Austen fan knows, the meaning of “condescension” has evolved quite a bit over the years.

How do you deal with condescension?

A Foolproof Guide For Handling Condescending Coworkers

  1. Don’t Take It Personally. First and foremost, keep calm and carry on, as they say.
  2. Call Them On It. You can address bad office behavior by telling people when their actions are not okay with you.
  3. Neutralize Your Body Language.
  4. Ask For Clarification.

What is an example of patronizing?

The definition of patronizing is pretending to be nice when actually talking down to someone, or treating someone as if he or she is less intelligent. Patronizing is defined as the act of a customer going to a store or restaurant. When you visit a restaurant, this is an example of patronizing the restaurant.

Is condescending an insult?

condescension Add to list Share. Condescension is an insulting way of talking to other people, as if they were stupid or ignorant. Condescension is rude and patronizing. Treating someone with condescension is the opposite of treating them with respect.

What is condescending attitude?

Full Definition of condescending : showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others.

Which is the best definition of the word condescending?

Definition of condescending. : showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others. Other Words from condescending What is the difference between condescending and patronizing? Example Sentences Learn More about condescending. Keep scrolling for more.

How to deal with people who say condescending things?

If you are dealing with a person who has a consistent habit of saying condescending things to you, stop and consider your relationship with that person in general. Try to determine why it is that you find the remarks condescending, based on the kind of relationship you have.

What does it mean when someone gives you a condescending Smile?

According to Psych Central, they give that condescending smile to make someone feel lower than he is. They even feel that nobody should ignore whatever it is that they do or say. There’s nothing wrong with sharing and being confident in what you know. But there’s a line between being arrogant and being modest.

What are some of the signs of condescension?

Things like shouting, yelling, belittling comments, are all obvious signs of condescension. In the workplace, however, people are sometimes condescending in more subtle ways, such as talking about people behind their backs or trash talking in the form of jokes.

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