What is a rotten apple mean?

What is a rotten apple mean?

Bad apple (or rotten apple) is indeed defined as “someone who creates problems or causes trouble for others; specifically : a member of a group whose behavior reflects poorly on or negatively affects or influences the remainder of the group.” Versions of the proverb can be found as far back as the early 16th century.

Why is NYC called the rotten apple?

As the Worm Turns And by the 1970s, few people were calling New York City anything but rotten. Crime was high, and people were broke. It was hardly a shiny, bright apple calling to people outside the city to come visit and take a bite. The campaign worked, and the city has embraced the nickname ever since.

What city is the rotten apple?

(“Gotham” has been a well-known nickname for New York City long before Batman even came about, and artist Frank Miller has referred to Gotham City as “New York City after dark.”) In one Batman and Superman crossover, Jimmy Olsen actually calls Gotham “the Rotten Apple”.

What is the meaning of rotten fruits?

adj. 1 affected with rot; decomposing, decaying, or putrid.

What is the meaning of the proverb a good apple is often rotten at the core?

A person whose own words or actions negatively impacts an entire group of people. Taken from the proverb “a rotten apple spoils the bunch.” Before you accuse the entire department of wrongdoing, you should try to find the rotten apple that initially caused the problem. See also: apple, rotten.

Why is The Big Apple called The Big Apple?

It began in the 1920s when sports journalist John J. Fitz Gerald wrote a column for the New York Morning Telegraph about the many horse races and racecourses in and around New York. He referred to the substantial prizes to be won as “the big apple,” symbolizing the biggest and best one can achieve.

Where did the saying The Big Apple come from?

“The Big Apple” is a nickname for New York City. It was first popularized in the 1920s by John J. Fitz Gerald, a sports writer for the New York Morning Telegraph. Its popularity since the 1970s is due in part to a promotional campaign by the New York tourist authorities.

What happens if you eat a rotten apple?

“Someone who is particularly sensitive or who gets sick from moldy fruit may experience nausea, vomiting or diarrhea as well as other food poisoning symptoms.” She also cautions that some types of mold are more dangerous than others.

What do you mean by rot?

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1a : to undergo decomposition from the action of bacteria or fungi. b : to become unsound or weak (as from use or chemical action)

Is Rotten a bad word?

corrupt or morally offensive. wretchedly bad, unpleasant, or unsatisfactory; miserable: a rotten piece of work; a rotten day at the office. contemptible; despicable: a rotten little liar; a rotten trick.

What is the meaning of Spoiled Rotten?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English spoil somebody rotten informal to treat someone too well or too kindly, especially a child, so that they think they should always have what they want He was the favorite, and his mother spoiled him rotten.

What is meaning of rotten to the core?

Definition of rotten to the core of a person. : very bad or dishonest.

What does the line dwell in the rotten apple mean?

“Dwellin’ in the rotten apple, you get tackled, or caught by the devil’s lasso …” This line is a perfect example of elite lyricism, portrayed by an elite rapper, spawned from true talent, skill, and understanding for Hip Hop.

What does Rotten Apple mean in Urban Dictionary?

In a literal sense, the term “Rotten Apple” is a nickname for New York City, for obvious reasons. In a symbolic sense, however, it could be a much deeper metaphor, meaning a negative, angry, depressed, or confused state of mind. “Dwellin’ in the rotten apple, you get tackled, or caught by the devil’s lasso …”

Why do you throw out a rotten apple?

Having an intention in the heart to gain praises, respect, or just to hurt the apple out of spite. You could also then judge all of the rest of the apples on the counter, to be rotten as well and throw them all out just to be safe. Without even giving any of the rest of the apples a chance.

Who is the rotten apple of the bunch?

A bad individual among many good ones, especially one that spoils the group. For example, The roommates are having problems with Edith-she’s the one rotten apple of the bunch.

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