What is the Macpherson constitution of 1951?

What is the Macpherson constitution of 1951?

As Governor, Macpherson was responsible for the introduction of the 1951 Constitution (unofficially known as the Macpherson Constitution), which provided for “semi-responsible government”. He also accelerated the Africanization of the Nigerian public service.

What are the advantages of Macpherson constitution?

Merits (Advantages) of Macpherson Constitution The constitution allowed for an increase in the elected majority in both the central and regional legislatures. 3. It granted more powers to the Regions more than power allowed them by the Richards constitution.

What was the aim of forming the Richard’s constitution?

Objectives of Richards Constitution To evolve a constitution to cover all parts of Nigeria. To divide Nigeria into three regions: North, West and East and create a regional council for each. To allow Nigerians to participate more in their own governance.

What are the features of Lyttleton constitution?


  • Greater autonomy to the regions.
  • Concurrent list established.
  • Residual powers lie with the regions.
  • Governors for regions, Governor General for the centre.
  • North and West still bi-cameral, East was uni-cameral.

What is the meaning of MacPherson?

MacPherson or Macpherson is a surname, meaning “son of the parson” in Scottish Gaelic.

What are the features of MacPherson?

Features of the MacPherson Constitution of 1951

  • A President.
  • Six ex-official members.
  • One hundred and thirty-six representative members elected from the Regional House.
  • Six special members appointed by the Governor to represent interests not adequately represented in the House.

Why did the Macpherson Constitution of 1951 break down?

Reason why Macpherson Constitution of 1951 broke down: (i) There was no provision for the posts of a premier as head of government for the regions and a Prime-Minister as head of government for the country. This motion was one of the reasons for the breakdown of Macpherson Constitution.

What are the weaknesses of Macpherson Constitution?

Belowwere the weaknesses of the Macpherson Constitution;

  • It promoted regional politics in Nigeria.
  • It lacked uniformity in the system of voting.
  • The governor still exercised veto power.
  • The post of the premier and the prime minister was not catered for.

What were the aims and objectives of Richard’s constitution?

The objectives of the Richards’ Constitution were: To promote the unity of Nigeria. To provide within that desire for the diverse elements which make up the country. To secure greater participation by Africans in the discussion of their own affairs.

What are the significance of Richard constitution to the Nigeria political development?

Aims and Objectives of Richards Constitution of 1946 To promote the unity of Nigeria. To acquire greater participation of Nigerians in their own affairs. To create a Legislative Council in which all sections of the country would be represented. To evolve a constitutional framework to cover all parts of Nigeria.

Why is Lyttleton constitution significant in the history of Nigeria?

The Lyttleton Constitution was enacted in 1954 and it established the federal principle and paved the way for independence. Arikpo Okoi described it as ” the kernel of all further constitutional changes , which culminated in the establishment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on October , 1963″.

What are the achievement of Lyttleton Constitution of 1954?

Merits Of Lyttleton Constitution Of 1954 The constitution introduced the posts of permanent secretaries and parliamentary secretaries in Nigeria. This constitution began the idea of direct election to both the federal and regional legislature in Nigeria.

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