What is a pretentious person called?

What is a pretentious person called?

grandiose, highfalutin. (also hifalutin), high-minded, la-di-da.

What does pretentious behavior mean?

If you say that someone or something is pretentious, you mean that they try to seem important or significant, but you do not think that they are. [disapproval] His response was full of pretentious nonsense. Synonyms: affected, mannered, exaggerated, pompous More Synonyms of pretentious.

What do you call a pretentious speech?

LONGILOQUENT. Alternatively, pretentious and lengthy speech or writing – what we also call ‘a load of hot air’ – can be described as longiloquent, or long-winded. The word comes from the Latin meaning ‘long-speaking’. ALTILOQUENT.

What is pretentious vocabulary?

Definitions of pretentious. adjective. making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction.

What is an example of pretentious?

The definition of pretentious is someone or something that claims to be very important or grand. An example of pretentious is someone saying they deserve a table in a crowded restaurant because of who they are. Affectedly grand; ostentatious. Ostentatious; intended to impress others.

Is pretentious a bad word?

I usually think of it as a negative sort of word. When somebody is trying to establish some kind of superiority over someone else using superficial things like big words or excessive technical terms, they’re being pretentious.

Is pretentious positive or negative?

Generally, being pretentious is the more negative of the two, since it comes with a certain arrogance and an undeserved sense of entitlement.

Is pretentious the same as arrogant?

As adjectives the difference between arrogant and pretentious. is that arrogant is having excessive pride in oneself, often with contempt for others while pretentious is marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction.

What’s the difference between portentous and pretentious?

The Difference Between Portentous and Pretentious The adjective portentous means ominous or momentous, referring to a sign or prediction that something important is about to happen. The adjective pretentious means full of pretense, making excessive or unwarranted claims to be important or sophisticated.

What does pretentiousness mean?

a : making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing) the pretentious fraud who assumes a love of culture that is alien to him— Richard Watts. b : expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature pretentious language pretentious houses.

How do you tell if you’re pretentious?

Here a few signs that someone is pretentious:

  1. They believe that liking obscure hobbies or having eccentric interests makes them smart or special.
  2. They use long words or jargon because they think it makes them look intelligent or cultured.

What does the name pretentious mean?

The definition of pretentious is someone or something that claims to be very important or grand. An example of pretentious is someone saying they deserve a table in a crowded restaurant because of who they are.

What’s the origin of the word pretentious?

pretentious (adj.) “characterized by or full of claims to greater excellence or importance than the truth merits,” 1836, from French prétentieux (17c.), from prétention “pretension,” from Medieval Latin pretentionem (nominative pretentio) “pretension,” noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin praetendere (see pretend (v.)).

What does pretentiously mean?

pretentiously(Adverb) In a manner with unwarranted claim to importance or distinction. pretentiously(Adverb) Ostentatiously; in a manner intended to impress others. pretentiously(Adverb) In a manner demanding of skill or daring.

What is the adjective for pretentious?

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs pretend, pretension, pretext and pretex which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. pretentious Intended to impress others; ostentatious .

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