What is considered personal vs professional social media?

What is considered personal vs professional social media?

People use personal networks to socialise, whereas professional networks are used to search for career opportunities and stay in touch. Users expect personal updates on personal networks, and more career-based and current affairs updates on professional networks.

Should employees use social media at work?

Sharing personal information online while at work is not a good idea. You do not want your employer to see online social media activity during working hours. Another concern is that social media is a way to vent. Employees should be aware of posting any negative comments about your employer or customers.

What are the 4 types of social media?

Different Types of Social Media Networks

  • Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
  • Media Sharing Networks: Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube.
  • Discussion Forums: Reddit, Quora, Digg.
  • Bookmarking & Content Curation Networks: Pinterest, Flipboard.
  • Consumer Review Networks: Yelp, Zomato, TripAdvisor.

What are the 5 types of social media users?

10 Types of Social Media Users

  • The Listener. An active social media user who prefers to fly under the radar.
  • The Activist. A compassionate heart and desire for change gives this type of social media user a knack for promotion.
  • The Spammer.
  • The Passionista.
  • The Social Butterfly.
  • The Troll.
  • The Influencer.
  • The Early Adopter.

How do you separate personal and professional on social media?

Here is what I tell them about keeping things personal and professional.

  1. Keep Your Facebook Profile Personal.
  2. Use the Facebook Pages Feed.
  3. Consider Separate Twitter and Instagram Handles.
  4. Implement Facebook “Sets”
  5. Use a Public Figure-Type Facebook Page.

What are difference between media social and professional media?

Social media reaches a maximum audience, while traditional media’s audience is generally more targeted. Social media is versatile (you can make changes once published), whereas traditional media, once published, is set in stone. Social media is immediate, while traditional can be delayed due to press times.

Why social media is bad for employees?

Social media could make you prone to bullying and harassment. Employees who bully other colleagues may create an intimidating or humiliating atmosphere to the rest of their co-workers and may eventually aggravate into severe mental issues that could harm both your employees and your business.

Can an employee be dismissed for spending too much time on social media?

Social media policies are important for both employer and employee. In conclusion, social media conduct is not without limitation. Employees could be dismissed and it opens employers up to claims of vicarious liability for defamation and harassment.

What are the 10 types of social media?

10 types of social media

  • Social networks.
  • Discussion forums.
  • Image-sharing networks.
  • Bookmarking networks.
  • Blogging and publishing networks.
  • Consumer review networks.
  • Interest-based networks.
  • Sharing economy networks.

Can you have a personal and professional Facebook account?

You can create a personal account or business account, but not both. You can choose settings so that your business page is seen and treated separately from your personal page—known as your “profile” page in Facebook terms. Facebook accounts are free, but remember, you can only have one account.

Is there a balance between professional and personal social media?

If you use social media in your career, it can be difficult to navigate the tenuous balance between professional and personal social media use. And, yes, the categories often overlap. You don’t need to feel ashamed if you’re unsure where the boundaries lie.

Are there people who don’t use social media?

Social media doesn’t tell people things you don’t want them to know about your personal life. Only people do these things. Only we do these things. 20 years ago, we were all people who didn’t use social media. If I were to explain social media to someone living in 1997, I’d say: Social media is a network of and for people.

What should you do with your personal social media?

It can serve as a bulletin or news report for company information. While there are people who abstain from personal social media, there are also many wonderful tools to be found with personal Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice a personal digital presence for the sake of your career.

Why is social media important to the OPM?

OPM believes that the appropriate use of social media improves transparency, collaboration, and participation in support of the agency’s mission. This policy is designed to aid agency users in understanding and adhering to the proper use and protection of government equipment in conducting social media activities.

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