How do I fix ORA-12505 error in SQL Developer?

How do I fix ORA-12505 error in SQL Developer?

And I solved it by using SERVICE NAME (an alias) instead of SID:

  1. Open file tnsnames.ora from your ORACLE_HOME folder. In case you don’t know its location, do the following steps.
  2. In tnsnames.ora file, look for the line which contains the SERVICE_NAME.
  3. Select Service name and type above name, TEST success and you’ve done!

How do I find an alias in SQL Developer?

In SQLDeveloper browse Tools –> Preferences , as shown in below image. In the Preferences options expand Database –> select Advanced –> under “Tnsnames Directory” –> Browse the directory where tnsnames.

How do I check SQL Developer listener status?

To view information about the listener at the command line:

  1. Open a command window.
  2. Follow the steps listed in “Configuring the Operating System Environment Variables .”
  3. Enter the following command: lsnrctl status.

Where is Tnsnames Ora file located?

ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory
By default, the tnsnames. ora file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

How do I set an alias in SQL Developer?


  1. Start SQL Developer and go to Tools > Preferences;
  2. In the Preferences option, expand the Database component, click on Advanced, and under the “Tnsnames Directory”, browse to the folder where your tnsnames.ora file is located;
  3. Restart SQL Developer;
  4. Now in SQL Developer select Connections and click New Connection;

How do I check my DB listener status?

Do the following:

  1. Log on to the host where the Oracle database resides.
  2. Change to the following directory: Solaris: Oracle_HOME/bin. Windows: Oracle_HOME\bin.
  3. To start the listener service, type the following command: Solaris: lsnrctl START. Windows: LSNRCTL.
  4. Repeat step 3 to verify that the TNS listener is running.

How do I check my listener Ora file?

ora file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory. The listener. ora file can also be stored the following locations: The directory specified by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable or registry value.

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