What year is the latest highway code book?

What year is the latest highway code book?

Updated for 2015, The Official Highway Code is essential reading for all road users in England, Scotland and Wales, providing all the latest rules of the road and traffic signs.

Is The Highway Code available online?

You can buy a copy of The Highway Code online or from most high street bookshops. Sign up for email alerts for rule changes, or follow The Highway Code on Facebook and Twitter.

Is The Highway Code free?

Free Highway Code The Highway Code is essential reading for everyone. Its rules apply to all road users: pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists, as well as motorcyclists and drivers. Download and install LDC’s Talking Highway Code software for use on PC for free.

Is The Highway Code a legal document?

According to the RAC, the Highway Code itself is not a legal document and the rules outlined in it are not official road laws. A number of the points outlined in the Code are backed up by official traffic laws, meaning you can be fined, prosecuted or disqualified if you ignore them.

Has the Highway Code changed since 2015?

The rules in the Highway Code are updated when there are changes in the law. New rules may be added while you are preparing for your practical test, or after you have passed. There have been 15 changes since 2015 alone.

Is there a 2021 highway code?

What are the new Highway Code rules 2021? The new version of the Highway Code includes a “hierarchy of road users”. This will ensure that people who can cause the most harm in a collision, such as those in vehicles, bear the “greatest responsibility to reduce the danger they may pose to others”.

Can you enter a yellow box?

You may enter a yellow box junction when your exit is clear and there is enough space on the other side of the junction for your vehicle to clear the box completely without stopping.

Is the Highway Code law or advisory?

Is the Highway Code actually law? No, taken alone the Highway Code is not the law. But many of its instructions are backed up by law and so have legal muscle behind them. Those points supported by the law are clearly identified in the document by wording like ‘MUST’, ‘MUST NOT’, rather than ‘should’ or ‘should not’.

What is the new Highway Code Rules 2021?

How is The Highway Code changing?

There are four main changes to the code for drivers to be aware of: The introduction of a “hierarchy of road users”: putting the road users most likely to be seriously harmed in a collision at the top of the hierarchy. Clarification on giving way to pedestrians crossing, or waiting to cross, the road.

Is the Highway Code changing?

The Highway Code has been changed today: 33 rules are being changed, and two new rules introduced, as well as creating a “hierarchy of road users” putting pedestrians at the top.

Is it illegal to stop in a box junction?

How long are you allowed to stop in a box junction? You must not enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear. However, you may enter the box and wait when you want to turn right and are only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right.

What are the rules of the highway code?

Highway Code and are considerate towards each other. This applies to pedestrians as much as to drivers and riders. Many of the rules in The Highway Code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence. You may be fined, given penalty points on your licence or be disqualified from driving.

Is the highway code the same in Scotland and England?

The Highway Code. This Highway Code applies to England, Scotland and Wales. The Highway Code is essential reading for everyone. There’s a different version of The Highway Code for Northern Ireland.

What are the rules for high speed road work?

Rules for road works (including on high-speed roads), level crossings and tramways. Light signals used to control traffic, including traffic light signals, flashing red lights, motorway signals and lane control signals.

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