How long can a SAM account name be?

How long can a SAM account name be?

Authentication / Auto-Import – Allows up to 20 characters (sAMAccountName)

How long can an ad username be?

The maximum number of characters supported in Active Directory (AD) for user logon name is 20.

Is sAMAccountName mandatory?

In Windows 2000 Server Active Directory the sAMAccountName attribute is mandatory and an error is raised if you fail to assign a value before the object is saved to Active Directory. However, the system limits sAMAccountName to 20 characters for user objects and 16 characters for computer objects.

Does sAMAccountName have to be unique?

The sAMAccountName attribute is a logon name used to support clients and servers from previous version of Windows, such as Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, Windows 98, and LAN Manager. The logon name must be 20 or fewer characters and be unique among all security principal objects within the domain.

What is the sAMAccountName in Active Directory?

sAMAccountName. The sAMAccountName attribute is a logon name used to support clients and servers from previous version of Windows, such as Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, Windows 98, and LAN Manager. The logon name must be 20 or fewer characters and be unique among all security principal objects within the domain.

Can AD user names have hyphens?

You take the users complete first name and combine it with complete last name. A hyphen or period may also be added. Example: For Joe smith the logon name would be joe.

What is a sAMAccountName?

Should I limit username length?

We’ve discovered that short usernames at popular domains receive significantly more spam since they’re easy to automatically generate. Gmail’s requirement that all usernames be at least six characters in length is meant to keep spam out of your inbox.

Can sAMAccountName have a space?

The SamAccountName cannot end with . (period). Blanks (space) are allowed.

Is it possible to change the length of the sAMAccountName?

It is hard to modify the length of the user’s samAccountName, it is a defined value within the schema and is set to 20. The UserPrincipalName, however, can be used to logon to anything from Windows 2000 onwards and can contain longer usernames than 20.

How many characters are in the sAMAccountName attribute?

This attribute must be 20 characters or less to support earlier clients, and cannot contain any of these characters: Entry Value CN SAM-Account-Name Ldap-Display-Name sAMAccountName Size 20 characters or less. Update Privilege Domain administrator Update Frequency

Is there a limit to the length of a Sam account name?

The SAM account name had (and still has to this day) a fixed, 20-character length limit. Moreover, the following characters are prohibited: “/ \\ [ ] : ; | = , + *? < >.

Is the sAMAccountName the same as the domain name?

It’s important to note that when a local AD user signs into their workstation by using their sAMAccountName, the domain portion is a single label, akin to a NetBIOS name.

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