What did the Prophet say about Dajjal?

What did the Prophet say about Dajjal?

A hadith from the Prophet indicates the condition of the world. He said, “Five years prior to the advent of Dajjal there shall be drought and nothing shall be cultivated. Such that all the hoofed animals shall perish”. After his emergence, the world would be facing acute famine.

What Allah says about fitnah?

“And know that your worldly goods and your children are but a trial and a temptation [fitna], and that with Allah there is a tremendous reward” (8:28). “They said: ‘In Allah do we put our trust. Our Lord! Make us not a trial [fitna] for those who practice oppression'” (10:85).

What is considered fitnah?

fitnah, (Arabic: “trial” or “test”) in Islamic usage, a heretical uprising—especially the first major internal struggle within the Muslim community, which resulted in both civil war (656–661 ce) and religious schism between the Sunnis and the Shiʿah.

Is fitnah a sin?

The very word “fitnah” comes from the verbal form “fa-ta-na,” which has a number of meanings: to seduce, enchant, captivate, and so on. This term is found about 30 times in the Qur’an and it is always used with a negative connotation: thus, fitnah is declared a greater sin than murder (Khalifa 1992).

Is the Fitna of the Dajjal so big?

Fitna of Dajjal is so big that one must constantly seek God’s protection from it. Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him taught His companions (May Allah be pleased with them) through a powerful dua to keep themselves safe from the impending Dajjal’s evil that is based on deception, lies and rebellion against the Creator of the Universe.

When to seek refuge with Allah from the Dajjal?

One should also seek refuge with Allah from the tribulations of the Dajjal after the last tashahhud in prayer. (Refer to duas #199 & #200) Note: Among the great signs of the last hour and the greatest trials to befall mankind, which every Prophet has warned about, is the appearance of the Dajjal (Antichrist). Most of mankind will follow him.

How to protect yourself from the evil of Dajjal?

Keep expressing your desire and interest, often in your heart and sometimes verbally too. Gain understanding of Dajjal, its evil, its weakness and its strengths as it will allow you to further deepen your awareness about this threat.

What’s the best way to memorize the Dua?

The easiest way to memorize this dua is to read the transliteration. Transliterations help a lot, especially if you are not a good at reading the Arabic text and pronouncing the right way is hard for you. Another good way to memorize it is to listen to a recitation of this supplication.


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