What is the synonym of the word handsome?

What is the synonym of the word handsome?

good-looking, nice-looking, attractive, personable, striking, stunning, fine, well proportioned, well formed. informal hunky, dishy, hot, gorgeous, drop-dead gorgeous, tasty, fanciable, knockout.

What is an example of handsome?

An example of handsome is an attractive male actor. An example of handsome is a woman who is good looking but not necessarily pretty. An example of handsome is a beautiful and well-made coat. An example of handsome is a very large donation to charity.

How do you describe a good looking guy?

You can use some cool adjectives like groomed, husky, classy, elegant etc. to describe men….Words to Describe a Handsome Man.

Powerful Protector Groomed
Splendid Heroic Classy
Noble Gallant Majestic
Handsome Charming Athletic
Protective Polite Affable

What is a unique way to say handsome?

Handsome Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for handsome?

attractive gorgeous
fine stunning
personable comely
dishy knockout
striking cute

What is sentence of handsome?

He looked very wonderful and handsome in his formal suit. He is a handsome young fellow of about 24. He is very kind, gentle, handsome and intelligent. Your dad is an amazingly handsome man. He looked handsome.

How do you use the word handsome?

Handsome sentence example

  1. And how handsome they both are!
  2. That guy was a mighty handsome stud.
  3. As handsome as he was, her eyes were compelled to the man beside him.
  4. He was an exceptionally handsome man.
  5. He’s handsome , isn’t he?

How do you compliment a handsome guy?

Compliments for Him about His Looks

  1. You are so handsome.
  2. You have a great sense of style.
  3. I love to watch you move.
  4. Just looking at you makes me smile.
  5. When I look into your eyes, I see intelligence, humor, and kindness.
  6. You smell fantastic.
  7. Your smile is my favorite thing.
  8. Don’t rush to shave on my account.

What is the original meaning of the word handsome?

Handsome is a craft. Handsome, etymologically speaking, is easy on the eyes. It originated from the old English hand and some, meaning “easy to handle,” morphing into “of fair size” by the 1570s and making a quick transition into “good-looking” only a few years later.

What is the origin of the word handsome?

Handsome first appeared in the English language as handsom, meaning ‘easy to handle’, somewhere around 1450. Handsome is a conglomerate of two different word roots — hand and some. As Adam mentions, hand basically means ‘easy to handle’. The word is one of a large number of Proto Germanic words, whose origins are relatively still unclear.

Is handsome an adverb?

The word alike is an adverb while handsome is an adjective. This means the adverbs that intensify them (the purpose of much here) are different.

How would you describe a handsome man?

What Makes Some Guys ‘Handsome,’ Some Guys ‘Cute’ and Some Guys ‘Sexy’? Handsome: The Classic Look. Beautiful: The Dreamy, Inaccessible Look. Cute: The Happy, Accessible Look. Good-Looking: The Unremarkable Look. Sexy: The Unconventional but Masculine Look. Sexy-Ugly: The Buscemi Look.

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