What is a Fieldset tag used for?

What is a Fieldset tag used for?

The tag in HTML5 is used to make a group of related elements in the form, and it creates the box over the elements.

What is the legend tag used for?

The legend tag is used to define the title for the child contents. The legend elements are the parent element. This tag is used to define the caption for the element.

What is Fieldset element in HTML5?

The fieldset element represents a set of controls in a form , optionally grouped under the same name. This element can be specially useful in large forms, where readability and ease of access can be improved with segmentation. Browsers will most likely render a frame around the grouped controls.

What is the use of Fieldset and legend?

The element provides a container for related form controls, and the element acts as a heading to identify the group. The legend for a group of controls can also highlight common attributes of all controls, for example, to advise that all fields in the group are required.

What is Fieldset in react?

The component is a way to contain related fields. This might not sound like much, but it’s incredibly useful when creating reusable groups of controls.

What is the function of Fieldset and legend tag in HTML?

Which tag can be used to provide a caption for a fieldset element in an html5 document?

The tag defines a caption for the element.

What is legend in react JS?

The Title plugin includes only the text property that accepts the chart’s title. The Legend plugin contains a list of legend items. Each item specifies a marker and label. The marker has the same color as the corresponding series, and the item label stores the series name.

How do you make a legend in HTML?

HTML tag is used to insert a title or caption to its parent element such as . The element must be the first child of element….Syntax.

Display block
Start tag/End tag Both Start and End tag
Usage textual

What are the functions of HTML tags?

HTML tags are used for presenting and formatting text on a webpage. The tags and their respective attributes are used to create HTML documents, that can be viewed in browsers.

What are HTML5 tags?

HTML 5 tags is the latest version of HTML and is used to specify how a web page will be displayed within a browser. A document begins with an opening tag and ends with a closing tag.

What are input tags?

Definition and Usage. The tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. elements are used within a element to declare input controls that allow users to input data.

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