What is the meaning of variety in Oxford dictionary?

What is the meaning of variety in Oxford dictionary?

[singular + singular or plural verb] variety (of something) several different sorts of the same thing. There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.

Has a variety of meaning?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englisha variety of somethinga variety of something a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.

What are the types of variety?

1 diversity, multiplicity. 3 assortment, collection, group. 4 kind, sort, class, species.

What is variety and examples?

Variety is an assortment or the state of having many different things. An example of variety is when you have purple flowers, blue flowers, green flowers and flowers of a whole bunch of other colors. noun.

What does variety mean in a sentence?

Updated July 03, 2019. In a composition, sentence variety refers to the practice of varying the length and structure of sentences to avoid monotony and provide appropriate emphasis.

Is a variety singular or plural?

usage note for variety As a collective noun, variety, when preceded by a, is often treated as a plural: A variety of inexpensive goods are sold here. When preceded by the, it is usually treated as a singular: The variety of products is small. See also collective noun.

How do you use the word variety?

“The paint store has a large variety of paint colors.” “She has an amazing variety of plants and flowers in her garden.” “The coffee shop has a small variety of ice cream.”

What word class is variety?

variety. / (vəˈraɪɪtɪ) / noun plural -ties. the quality or condition of being diversified or various.

How do you use a variety?

a variety of in a sentence

  1. Didik mixed and combined a variety of traditional and modern elements.
  2. A variety of attempts have been made to close those gaps.
  3. We represent a variety of districts with a variety of needs,
  4. The Democrats gathered in United Arena sport a variety of looks.

What is sentence Variety example?

The most common sentence pattern that writers use is subject-verb-object (SVO). This is how beginners write. For example: The boy ate pizza.

What is the verb form of variety?

variegate. (transitive) to add variety to something; to diversify.

What does Variety mean in a sentence?

What does the name variety mean?

Variety(noun) the quality or state of being various; intermixture or succession of different things; diversity; multifariousness. Variety(noun) that which is various. Variety(noun) a number or collection of different things; a varied assortment; as, a variety of cottons and silks .

What does variety of mean?

1. the quality or condition of being diversified or various. 2. a collection of unlike things, esp of the same general group; assortment. 3. a different form or kind within a general category; sort: varieties of behaviour.

What is another word for “a variety of”?

Synonyms for variety include assortment, medley, miscellany, collection, range, selection, array, mix, mixture and line-up. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What is the definition of variety?

Definition of variety. 1 : the quality or state of having different forms or types : multifariousness. 2 : a number or collection of different things especially of a particular class : assortment. 3a : something differing from others of the same general kind : sort. b : any of various groups of plants or animals ranking below a species : subspecies.

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