What is the meaning of etre?

What is the meaning of être?

to be
The French verb être means to be. It can be used in its various conjugations to form descriptions when paired with adjectives. The different subject pronouns require different forms of the verb.

What tense is fasse?

French Verb Conjugations

Present Subjunctive
il fait fasse
nous faisons fassions
vous faites fassiez
ils font fassent

What does Etra mean in French?

Being a French Verb. Être is one of the two most important French verbs (avoir is the other one) and has irregular conjugations in just about every tense and mood. Être literally means “to be,” but also serves as an auxiliary verb and is the key to the passive voice.

What does the French word peux mean?

Translation of “tu peux” in English. Adverb Verb Other. you can. can you.

Where does Veuillez come from?

It’s the impératif form of Vouloir. In French, many polite sentences start with Veuillez, and it’s not translated at all in English. For example : “Veuillez vous asseoir.” > Take a seat.

Is it je fait or Je fais?

3 The present tense of faire

Pronoun faire Meaning: to do, to make
je fais I do/make I am doing/making
tu fais you do/make you are doing/making
il elle on fait he/she/it/one does/makes he/she/it/one is doing/making
nous faisons we do/make we are doing/making

How do you use avoir in French?

We use avoir as a main verb in the following cases:

  1. to express ownership or possession. Example: Il a une voiture. He has a car.
  2. to describe a condition or state that refers to a noun. Example: J’ai le temps. I have the time. Tu as une soeur. You have a sister.
  3. to talk about age. Example: J’ai 23 ans. I am 23 years old.

What are the avoir verbs?

There are two verbs: the auxiliary avoir and prendre. Your choice of an auxiliary verb is between avoir and être (“to be”). Avoir is your go to verb used in the majority of cases.

Which is the best translation of J’avais?

Translation of “J’avais” in English I had I was it was I’d there was me there were you’re having there’s J’avais davantage foi dans les personnes concernées. I had greater faith in the people concerned than that.

When to use j’ai eu or j’avais?

For instance : you won a contest (at a specific date) ; you succeedeed in your exams (a specific year) ; you had an accident ; you met someone (specific time and place…) -> PASSÉ COMPOSÉ (j’ai eu) * * En 2013, je n’avais encore que deux enfants.

What does j’avais Envie de pleurer mean?

J’avais envie de pleurer. I felt like crying. J’avais envie de pleurer. I wanted to cry. Finalement, tu avais raison. You were right after all.

How is the verb avoir formed in French?

It is formed with the auxiliary verb avoir and the past participle eu (pronounced as a single sound, u, as in tu) . Note that avoir is thus both the verb for the auxiliary and for the past participle, just like in English “have had”.

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