What kind of Jungler is Amumu?

What kind of Jungler is Amumu?

He’s kind of a leona with a jungle kit. His ult is also, of course, something people won’t think about avoiding. Amumu will show up and people don’t always think about when he’s going to rape your whole team with a 5-man ulti. Amumu has probably the strongest ultimate in the game.

What Lane is Amumu?

Your first ability for level 1 should be E Tantrum, and then you should start maxing out E Tantrum. After that, you can start leveling up Q Bandage Toss followed by W Despair. What Lane Is Amumu? Due to the lane phase of this pick, it is commonly played in the Jungle position.

What Lane does Amumu?

What to do with Amumu in early game?

While most champions that serve this option are provided bulkier options from their skills, Amumu is all about enhancing his – and his allies – damage with curses. In the early game, you’ll need to pay attention to optimal orb walking to apply curses as needed and then following your target with Despair to maintain it.

How does Amumu curse in League of Legends?

Amumu’s basic attacks Curse his enemies, causing them to take bonus true damage from incoming magic damage. Amumu tosses a sticky bandage at a target, stunning and damaging the target while he pulls himself to them. Overcome by anguish, nearby enemies lose a percentage of their maximum Health each second and have their Curses refreshed.

What do you use Amumu’s bandage toss for?

Amumu ’s Bandage Toss is your only means of mobility, and is also your core tool for moving between your camps in the jungle.

Why is Amumu a good champion to pick?

Because you’re lonely, and sharing that pain is how we survive as a species. Amumu is a great flexible pick and while his passive Cursed Touch is even more powerful with AP champions, the damage and CC he brings on his own makes him a flexible pick that can move between comp to comp.

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