How much is a bus ticket from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

How much is a bus ticket from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

How much is the Bus Fare from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. The fare for bus from Bangkok to Chiang Mai is in the range of 529 baht to 823 baht, depending on bus class types. Generally, the higher the ticket fare, the better and more spacious is the seat in the bus.

How much is a first class bus from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

There are three main bus stations in Bangkok, but only one that operates buses to Chiang Mai – Mo Chit Northern Bus Terminal….To book your Bangkok to Chiang Mai bus tickets online click here >>>

Bus trips General details
Fares Government bus company: VIP Buses = 876THB / 1st Class = 563THB / 2nd Class = 438THB

How long is a bus ride from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

around 12 hours
Ride a bus Buses between Bangkok and Chiang Mai take around 12 hours and there are several services, both during the day and night.

How much does it cost to go from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

How to Travel from Bangkok to Chiang Mai by Train, Bus, and Plane

Time Cost
Train 13 hours from $25
Bus 10 hours from $16
Plane 1 hour, 15 minutes from $15

Can you get a train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

The distance from Bangkok to Chiang Mai by train is 751 km. The duration of the train journey from Bangkok to Chiang Mai is between 11 hours for the fastest train, to 14 hours and 20 minutes for the slowest train. All trains originate from Hua Lamphong Railway Station in Bangkok.

How do I get to Chiang Mai?

As a gateway to northern Thailand, Chiang Mai is easily accessible by air, rail and bus. Several domestic and international airlines have direct flights to Chiang Mai International Airport, including low-cost carriers, such as Nok Air, Air Asia and One-to-Go.

Is there a train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

Where do you stop on the way to Chiang Mai?

Heading north from Ayutthaya, there are buses and trains to Chiang Mai that make stops in Phitsanulok, Sukhothai, Lampang and Lamphun.

How many days do you need in Chiang Mai?

When you’re planning your Chiang Mai itinerary, it’s helpful to know that three days is the perfect amount of time to spend in Chiang Mai. It’s enough time to give you the flavor of the city and see several of the highlights. With 3 days in Chiang Mai, you can cover quite a bit of ground without feeling rushed.

Are night buses safe in Thailand?

Hundreds of thousands of tourists and backpackers take night buses all over Thailand every year. Most find them to be very safe, while others do have some problems. After all, nobody else on the bus knows whose bag is whose, so they’re not likely to challenge someone going through yours while you’re sleeping.

How much is a taxi from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

The taxi fare will set you back at 350 Baht (12 USD). There are low-cost carriers that offer flights several times a week to Chiang Mai from Bangkok, such as Thai AirAsia, Thai Lion Air, and Nok Air. You can also book other carriers such as Thai Vietjet Air, Bangkok Airways, Thai Airways, and Thai Smile.

Is there a train from Bangkok to Chiang Rai?

At present, there’s no direct train route from Bangkok to Chiang Rai. You will have to do a bus transfer to Chiang Rai at either Chiang Mai Railway Station or Nakhon Lampang Railway Station.

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