How much do Infiltrator chambers cost?

How much do Infiltrator chambers cost?


Infiltrator Chamber $25.00 22W x 48L x 12H
Infiltrator EndCap $14.00 End Cap

How many Infiltrator chambers do I need?

As a general rule, trenches ‘fingers’ should be no longer than fifty feet (12 or 13 Infiltrators long) for best function and most even effluent distribution. Unless you are installing as a “bed” system (where the chambers are right next to each other), leave at least six feet of undisturbed soil between fingers.

How long does a chamber septic system last?

Leaching chambers are reliable, do not have moving parts, and need little maintenance to function properly. They are usually made of plastic materials, with a useful life of 20 years or more in contrast to the average useful life of a drainfield of 15 years, with a maximum of 20 to 25 years.

How deep should septic chambers be?

Depth. Place the pipes in the leach field a minimum of 6 inches and most likely between 18 to 36 inches deep according to the Clemson Cooperative Extension. Each leach field requires an individual design as soil and water tables vary from state to state and within states.

Is it bad for a septic system to sit unused?

A septic tank that was in active use but has been unused for a year or even longer should still be nearly full to the point just below its outlet pipe. A septic tank that has been un-used for many years may have lower sewage and effluent level. Watch out: Make certain that the septic tank has safe and secure covers.

How do I know if my drain field is failing?

Stay vigilant for five signs your drainfield does not drain correctly anymore.

  1. Slowing Drainage. Homeowners first notice slower than usual drainage from all the sinks, tubs, and toilets in a home when they have a compromised drainfield.
  2. Rising Water.
  3. Increasing Plant Growth.
  4. Returning Flow.
  5. Developing Odors.

How long are infiltrator chambers?

Infiltrator Quick4® Series The 4′ chamber lengths are easy to handle and install. Infiltrator manufactures chambers in different sizes and styles to meet all regulatory and site requirements.

How many infiltrator chambers are needed for a septic tank?

There is no accurate method to estimate how many Infiltrator chambers are required without digging test pits in area of leach field.

What is the infiltrator quick 4 leach field chambers?

The Infiltrator Quick 4™ Leach Field Chambers are the quick and effective alternative to rock and gravel drain field systems. Septic Solutions has all of the components neccessary to build a drain field, including the Infiltrator Chambers, Distribution Boxes, Pipe Inspection Ports, and other accessories for low pressure dosing systems!

Which is better infiltrator or stone septic system?

Infiltrator’s recycled plastic septic chambers are engineered for strength and performance, easy to install, and have greater design flexibility (including a smaller footprint) as compared with stone and pipe. The advantages of Infiltrator chambers add up to cost savings on labor, materials and time savings on the job.

Who is septic solutions distributor for drain field?

Septic Solutions has all of the components neccessary to build a drain field, including the Infiltrator Chambers, Distribution Boxes, Pipe Inspection Ports, and other accessories for low pressure dosing systems! PLEASE NOTE: SEPTIC SOLUTIONS IS A DISTRIBUTOR FOR INFILTRATOR DRAIN FIELD PRODUCTS IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS.

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