What is military slang for helicopter?

What is military slang for helicopter?

A U.S. military helicopter takes off in southern Afghanistan. They may still be called “choppers” in the movies, but troops universally refer to them as “birds.”

What does GI stand for in military terms?

general issue
When this happened, GI was reinterpreted as “government issue” or “general issue.” The prevalence of the term led soldiers in World War II to start referring to themselves as GIs. Some servicemen used it as a sarcastic reference symbolizing their belief that they were just mass-produced products of the government.

What is a Crowbag?

2. “Crow Bag” Reportedly, this hilarious term stems from WWI and means “combat recruit of war.” The title is given to the newest of army newbies fresh out of boot camp.

What did GI stand for?

The term G.I. has been used as an initialism of “Government Issue”, “General Issue”, or “Ground Infantry”, but it originally referred to “galvanized iron”, as used by the logistics services of the United States Armed Forces.

What does GI stand for American soldier?

G.I. means ‘general issue. ‘ Call them soldiers.”

What does Thredders mean?

Threaders’ Angry or fed up. 3. ‘ Hoofing’ Excellent or amazing..

What are some slang terms for a helicopter?

“Left skid low.” That’s actually a screen name I use sometimes. Also, what about nicknames for helicopters? Crashhawk (Black Hawk), Hook (Chinook), Hookers (Chinook drivers), etc. Also, stick buddy, stick bitch. NOTAR (who was it on VR who named their cat this?). More sharing options… Location:MA and a whole bunch more!

Where did the term number one GI come from?

The name comes from the shorthand of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam – ARVN. Number-One GI – A troop who spends a lot of money in Vietnam. Number-Ten GI – A troop who barely spends money in Vietnam.

What was the helicopter called in the Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War became a helicopter war for American forces, and a common way for an infantryman to go into action was by “Slick.”. “Slick” was the term used to refer to an assault helicopter used to place troops into combat during airmobile operations.

What does number ten GI mean in Vietnam?

Number-Ten GI – A troop who barely spends money in Vietnam. Ok Sahlem – Term American soldiers had for villagers’ children who would beg for menthol cigarettes.

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