How to win the Ayn Rand essay contest?

How to win the Ayn Rand essay contest?

Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of Atlas Shrugged. Essay submissions are evaluated in a fair and unbiased four-round judging process. Judges are individually selected by the Ayn Rand Institute based on a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Ayn Rand’s works.

What is the fountainhead essay contest?

The Fountainhead Essay Contest is an annual contest on Ayn Rand’s novel The Fountainhead, a work where Rand puts forth her views on individualism versus collectivism. This contest awards up to $5,000 to high school juniors and seniors!

What is the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest?

The Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest is an annual contest on Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged that offers awards up to $10,000. This 1957 novel advocates for Rand’s views on reason, individualism, and capitalism, and depicts what Rand saw to be the failures of governmental coercion.

What does the Ayn Rand Institute do?

The Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism, commonly known as the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI), is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit think tank in Santa Ana, California, that promotes Objectivism, the philosophy developed by Ayn Rand.

What is Ayn Rand’s philosophy?

Objectivism is a philosophical system developed by Russian-American writer Ayn Rand. Rand described Objectivism as “the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute”.

How long is Atlas Shrugged?

So why is Ayn Rand and her most famous work, Atlas Shrugged, so popular? It’s 1,200 pages long and was panned by critics when it was published 55 years ago.

What is the B Davis Scholarship?

Description: This scholarship is open to high school juniors and seniors as well as students currently enrolled in postsecondary institutions. Students must write an essay of less than 1,000 words on the current year’s topic.

What is Ayn Rand’s date of birth?

February 2, 1905
Ayn Rand/Date of birth

What is the meaning of Atlas Shrugged?

The title is a reference to Atlas, a Titan in Greek mythology, who is described in the novel as “the giant who holds the world on his shoulders”. Each chapter also has a title; Atlas Shrugged is the only one of Rand’s novels to use chapter titles.

What is Atlas Shrugged about in a nutshell?

Atlas Shrugged “is a mystery story, not about the murder of a man’s body, but about the murder — and rebirth — of man’s spirit.” Follow along as industrialist Hank Rearden and railroad executive Dagny Taggart struggle to keep the country afloat and unravel the mysteries that confront them.

When is the deadline for the Ayn Rand essay contest?

Essays must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time of the entry deadline. The Ayn Rand Institute has the right to provide contest deadline extensions when deemed appropriate. Essays must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.

How are essays judged at Ayn Rand Institute?

Essays will be judged on whether the student is able to argue for and justify his or her view—not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophical meaning of Anthem.

How long do you have to write an essay for aynrand?

If you are unable to submit an essay electronically contact us at [email protected]. Essays must be written in English only, and must be no fewer than 600 and no more than 1,200 words in length, double-spaced.

How much money does Ari give for essay contests?

ARI has held student essay contests on Ayn Rand’s fiction since 1986, awarding over $2.2 million in prize money to contest winners! This year we will award more than $40,000 to hundreds of students worldwide. Apply today! Questions? Write to us at [email protected].

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