What is the best cough medicine during pregnancy?

What is the best cough medicine during pregnancy?

Safe options include:

  • plain cough syrup, such as Vicks.
  • dextromethorphan (Robitussin; category C) and dextromethorphan-guaifenesin (Robitussin DM; category C) cough syrups.
  • cough expectorant during the day.
  • cough suppressant at night.
  • acetaminophen (Tylenol; category B) to relieve pain and fever.

Can you take cough medicine when pregnant?

For a dry cough, a cough suppressant such as pholcodine or dextromethorphan is considered safe during pregnancy. Dry, irritating coughs are usually associated with a postnasal drip.

How do I get rid of congestion while pregnant?

Take a warm shower and linger in the steamy bathroom. Steam is soothing and temporarily relieves congestion. Soak a washcloth with hot water, hold it up to your face, and breathe. Try using saline nose drops or saline nasal spray three to four times a day to clear your nasal passages.

Can I take mucinex while pregnant?

Cough medicine Expectorants like Mucinex, cough suppressants like Robitussin, vapor rubs like Vicks VapoRub, and cough drops are all considered safe during pregnancy.

Can I rub Vicks on my chest while pregnant?

Is it safe to use vapor rub while I’m pregnant? Yes, vapor rub is safe to use during pregnancy.

Can I take Zyrtec while pregnant?

Many allergy drugs may be fine to keep taking during pregnancy, but have the discussion so you can have peace of mind. Oral antihistamines, like cetirizine (Zyrtec), chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), fexofenadine (Allegra), and loratadine (Claritin) seem to be safe.

How do I break up mucus in my chest while pregnant?

What You Can Do at Home

  1. Drink lots of fluids. Drink plenty of water and other fluids, but not things that can dehydrate you, such as coffee and alcohol.
  2. Humidify. Try a cool mist humidifier or hop into a steamy shower to keep your airways moisturized.
  3. Don’t smoke or vape anything.
  4. Try a teaspoon of honey.

What helps a cough while pregnant?


  1. To help eliminate secretions, drink plenty of water.
  2. Dextromethorphan syrup (e.g. Benylin DM) can be used to relieve a dry cough.
  3. Most cough drops (e.g. Halls) are safe in pregnancy.
  4. Consult your family doctor if: Your cough persists beyond seven (7) days.
  5. Avoid preparations containing pseudoephedrine.

Can you take mucinex pregnant?

Can you take decongestant while pregnant?

Decongestant medications reduce stuffiness and sinus pressure by constricting the blood vessels in your nose, which reduces swelling. Pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are available over the counter as Sudafed and are safe for many women to use during pregnancy.

How can I clear mucus from my throat while pregnant?

Use steam to help loosen the mucus. Gargle with warm salt water to soothe a sore throat, or suck on throat lozenges. Slow down and relax. Rest can strengthen your immune system and help you fight the infection.

How do I get rid of mucus in my chest while pregnant?

What cough medicines are safe during pregnancy?

Medications that contain guaifenesin are safe to take to relieve coughing during pregnancy. Hytuss and Mucinex both contain guaifenesin. Guaifenesin plus dextromethorphan medications include Benylin Expectorant, Robitussin DM and Vicks 44E. These are all safe to consume during pregnancy to relieve coughing.

What does cough medicine help you get pregnant?

A little bit of cough syrup might be the key to getting pregnant. “Cough syrup that contains guaifenesin thins not only the mucus in your chest, but also in your cervix,” says Garza. “This loosening of cervical mucus can create a more hospitable environment for sperm.

What’s the best thing for a persistent cough while pregnant?

One of the common natural remedies for cough during pregnancy is a warm water gargle. The idea to deal with sore or itchy throat with the gargling method where water is taken to the back of the throat and whilst there gargling is done. For this one will need some lukewarm water with a pinch or so of salt.

Are medicines for cough safe during pregnancy?

Although avoiding any drug in pregnancy is the safest course, exposure to guaifenesin does not appear to cause harm to a developing baby. The cough suppressant dextromethorphan got some bad press after one study found that it caused birth defects in chick embryos, but this study had many flaws.

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