What are the basic commands of AutoCAD?

What are the basic commands of AutoCAD?

Basic actions

CO/ COPY Copy objects or text
DI/ DISTANCE Find the distance between two point in a drawing
I/ INSERT Insert (existing block or drawing as a block)
LIST Access the properties of the different objects within a drawing

How many commands are there in AutoCAD?

There are over 150 unique shortcuts and commands in AutoCAD, and it can quickly get overwhelming just seeing the sheer number of them.

What are the methods of entering commands?

There are many ways to initiate a command:

  • Make a selection on a ribbon, toolbar, or menu.
  • Enter a command in a dynamic input tooltip.
  • Enter a command in the command window.
  • Drag a custom command from a tool palette.

What does F9 do in AutoCAD?

Note: F8 and F10 are mutually exclusive—turning one on will turn the other off….Function Key Reference.

Key Feature Description
F9 Grid snap Restricts cursor movement to specified grid intervals.
F10 Polar tracking Guides cursor movement to specified angles.

How do I view commands in AutoCAD?

Use the shortcut CTRL+9 (CMD+3 in AutoCAD for Mac) to toggle on the command line. Type in the COMMANDLINE command.

What are drawing commands?

The drawing commands are strings of text which are concatenated to create a larger string of graphical instructions, which is then passed as a parameter to the dynamic texture drawing functions.

What are the four methods of entering a command in AutoCAD?

What are the tools used in AutoCAD?

AutoCAD Tools

  • Line.
  • Circle.
  • Rectangle.
  • Polyline.
  • Trim.
  • Extend.
  • Copy.
  • Mirror.

How to download a list of AutoCAD commands?

To Download the list of AutoCAD Commands in a printable pdf click below to sign up for the CAD Intentions Newsletter and get the link sent right to your inbox: Sign Up here to Download the PDF

How can I reset the default AutoCAD interface?

Press it again to reset default AutoCAD interface. Select and object and press Ctrl + 1 to open the properties palette which lists properties of the object. You can use this palette to modify most of the properties of the object too. You can also use PR command to open the property palette.

What are some of the keyboard shortcuts for AutoCAD?

XATTACH / Inserts a DWG file as an external reference (xref). XBIND / Binds one or more definitions of named objects in an xref to the current drawing. XCLIP / Crops the display of a selected external reference or block reference to a specified boundary. XLINE / Creates a line of infinite length.

How to save a drawing as a new file in AutoCAD?

You can use this keyboard shortcut to save the drawing as a new file, in short, this is the hotkey for “save as” command. Ctrl + 0 Clears screen to show only the drawing area and hides palettes and tabs. Press it again to reset default AutoCAD interface.

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