What is a transmission map?

What is a transmission map?

The transmission map describes the portion of the light that is not scattered and reaches the camera. Since the map is a continuous function of depth, it thus reflects the depth information in scene.

What is transmission map estimation?

The proposed RFCMAC model is used to estimate the transmission map. The average value of the brightest 1% in a hazy image is calculated for atmospheric light estimation. A new adaptive weighted estimation is then used to refine the transmission map and remove the halo artifact from the sharp edges.

What is dark channel prior method?

The dark channel prior is a kind of statistics of outdoor haze-free images. It is based on a key observation—most local patches in outdoor haze-free images contain some pixels whose intensity is very low in at least one color channel. Results on a variety of hazy images demonstrate the power of the proposed prior.

What is PBR in blender?

The Principled BSDF that combines multiple layers into a single easy to use node. It is based on the Disney principled model also known as the “PBR” shader, making it compatible with other software such as Pixar’s Renderman® and Unreal Engine®.

What is translucency in blender?

By default all our 3D objects are opaque, meaning light does not pass through them. But many objects in reality let some amount of light through, like a piece of paper or a glass of lemonade. This partial transparency is called translucency.

What is DCP algorithm?

DCP: an algorithm for datapath/control partitioning of synthesizable RTL models. Automatic partitioning provides a foundation for better RT-level analysis such as more accurate high-level area and timing estimates for designs implemented with deep submicron IC technologies.

What is Dehazing?

Dehazing is a process to visually improve degraded visibility caused by atmospheric conditions where the horizontal visibility on the ground level is greater than 1 km.

What is height texture?

From polycount. A height map is a grayscale texture used as a displacement map to define the topography of the polygons. Usually the brighter pixels make higher elevations, and the darker pixels make lower elevations, and 50% gray pixels make no change.

What is translucent BSDF?

The Transparent BSDF is used to add transparency without refraction, passing straight through the surface, as if there were no geometry there. Useful with alpha maps, for example. This shader affects light paths somewhat differently than other BSDFs.

How do you flip normals in blender?

To access the option and/or correct an inside-out or inverted face, first select the errant mesh element in Edit Mode [1] (using vertex, edge or face) and from the Mesh menu upper-left click Normals [2] then Flip [3] from the options that appear – Mesh » Normals » Flip.

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