How much does it cost to adopt a baby girl from China?

How much does it cost to adopt a baby girl from China?

China Adoption Fees Overview

Holt Application $300
U.S. Processing Fee $3,500
Program Fee* INCLUSIVE: orphanage fee (approx. $5,700) and all adoption-related expenses in China $15,000*
Post Placement $2,400 – $2,800
Post Placement Processing Fee $900

Is adoption common in China?

Today, China remains one of the most popular countries for families seeking international adoption. In 1996 the Chinese government established the China Center of Adoption Affairs, the central authority overseeing all China adoptions.

How much does it cost to adopt from China?

The cost of adopting a child from China is approximately $15,000 to $25,000, including travel.

How hard is it to adopt a baby from China?

How long does it take to adopt a child from China? China Waiting Child Program: The process for a Waiting Child from China is currently taking 12-18 months from application to placement. The wait for a referral after the home study is completed is currently taking an average of 0-6 months.

Where is it easiest to adopt from?

According to the list, China is the number one easiest country to adopt from. This is due to their stable and predictable program. Adopting is a life-changing decision.

Does China still have orphanages?

According to a 2016 statistic, there are currently more than 460,000 orphans in China. The exact number of orphans is undetermined, as the statistic may only show state-operated orphanages. Chinese orphanages are highly lacking in the proper education and medical resources needed for disabled children.

How do I adopt a Chinese baby?


  1. Complete home study and then submit dossier.
  2. Wait to be matched with your child and then begin the referral process!
  3. Once the CCCWA officially approves your family–-the CCCWA will then issue a travel approval to finalize your adoption!
  4. Travel to meet your child and finalize the adoption!

Can I adopt a Chinese baby girl?

China Adoption Requirements Age: Both parents must be between the ages of 30 and 49 to adopt from China. Couples and single women between the ages of 30-55 are eligible for China’s Waiting Child Program. Single women must have a net worth of $100,000.

Is it easy to adopt a baby girl from China?

Yes! China is one of the most stable, predictable adoption programs open to single female applicants age 30 or older. The Waiting Children pages primarily contain adoption photolistings for children who are considered “harder to place” due to a more moderate medical need or even just because they are older.

How can I adopt a baby from China?

How do you adopt a baby from China?

If you want to adopt a baby from China, you are required to go through an adoption agency. The CCCWA does not accept applications directly from prospective adoptive parents. Your agency must be approved and accredited by the US and authorized by China’s Central Authority to operate in China.

How long is the wait to adopt from China?

The wait time for American adoption is approximately 1 to 18 months. Now compare this with the wait time for China, which is 10-12 months, and Russia has a wait time of 6 to 12 months.

What is the process of adopting from China?

The Adoption process in China can be seen as taking place in four steps. The first step is to complete your dossier. A dossier is the set of documents required by the U.S. and Chinese governments for adoption. The second step of the adoption process involves submission of the dossier to China by your U.S. based agency.

What are the requirements to adopt from China?

Some of the Chinese Adoption Requirements include: Marriage – Only married couples, with marriage defined as between a man and a woman, who have been married for at least 2 years are able to adopt from China. Age – Prospective adoptive parents must be between the ages of 30 and 44 years old to adopt babies around 1 year old.

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