What is universal service fund in NJ?

What is universal service fund in NJ?

What is the Universal Service Fund (USF)? The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) has created the Universal Service Fund (USF) program to help make electric and natural gas bills more affordable for low income families. The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) administers the USF program.

What is HEA benefit?

The HEA Program is federally funded and was created to help low-income residents with their heating and medically necessary cooling bills. Assistance is available to eligible households through LIHEAP (see below for details) and includes benefits to assist with heating bills and certain emergency needs.

How do I apply for USF in nj?

You can obtain and file an application at your local LIHEAP/USF application agency. To locate the agency in your area, call 1-800-510-3102. Additional information, including the application which you can download, is also available at www.energyassistance.nj.gov.

What is the NJ Universal Service Fund?

The State of New Jersey created the Universal Service Fund (USF) program to help make energy bills more affordable for low income customers. Households with income equal to or less than 175% of the Federal Poverty Level are income eligible. The program is administered by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.

How to apply for Universal Service Fund in NJ?

The application options are listed below: Apply online here. Download an application to submit to the Intake Agency your county via mail, fax or email with all the required documentations. Pick up an application at one of the PSE&G’s 16 Customer Service Centers during operating hours.

How does the Universal Service Fund ( USF ) work?

If you are found eligible to participate in the USF program, you will receive a credit on your electric and/or natural gas bill to help reduce the cost. The size of monthly USF credit is based on total household income and the amount of money you typically pay for gas and electric service.

Who is eligible for USF in New Jersey?

The goal of the USF program is to help ensure that income eligible New Jersey utility customers pay no more than 6% of their annual income for their natural gas and electric service combined. Households with income equal to or less than 175% of the Federal Poverty Level are income eligible.

Can a renter apply for the Universal Service Fund?

Renters and homeowners can apply for USF. Even if your heat is included in your rent, you may be eligible for USF for your electricity if you have an electric account in your name. Does everyone who receives Lifeline or LIHEAP qualify for a USF benefit?

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