Where is the droid in the Sith base on Manaan?

Where is the droid in the Sith base on Manaan?

You can actually bypass the Flow Control room as there’s another way around to the other side. Take the door north and then head towards the west. You’ll find a room with a broken droid belonging to the Republic.

Where is the submarine on Manaan Kotor?

the Republic Embassy
The room that leads to the submarine is located deep in the Republic Embassy. The door before the submarine will say “Restricted Access” which isn’t true anymore, since Roland Wann gave you a passcard. Enter into this room and jump in the Republic submersible.

What happens if you poison the shark Kotor?

If you poisoned the shark, you’ll be permanently banned from Manaan unless you do not give self-incriminating answers to the court (see above), and threaten them in turn. If you destroyed the station, you’ll have their respect and gratitude.

Where is the rift on Manaan?

Affiliation. The Hrakert Rift was an underwater valley on Manaan, near Ahto City. It was the source of kolto, and the home of the Progenitor—a giant firaxan shark—and her offspring. Towards the end of the Jedi Civil War, the Republic established an illegal kolto-mining station there, under the leadership of Kono Nolan.

How do you save Duros?

4 – “Captured Duros” Puzzle You’ll come across a Duros suspended in a prison capsule. If you talk with him, he’ll tell you that you can free him by flipping the appropriate switches on the opposite wall in front of him.

What happened to the Selkath?

The Selkath were a sentient aquatic species, native to the ocean-covered planet of Manaan. Eventually, the kolto market disappeared and the galaxy abandoned the Selkath. It was not until the rise of the Galactic Empire that the Selkath would have interaction with the galaxy again.

Which is better Kolto or Bacta?

With the onset of the Galactic Civil War, bacta had become the primary healing agent used in medicine. While kolto was still being used during the Galactic Civil War, it did not possess great value. It appeared to be less effective than bacta, but was used as a cheaper alternative.

How do I start a Sunry trial?

I will leave the investigating up to you – go talk to whomever it is you want (as the judges tell you) for information. If you simply want to know how to get Sunry off the hook and lower the prices at the Ahto City shops, then simply read on.

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