Which country has a population of 100 million?

Which country has a population of 100 million?

The Philippines population finally surpassed 100 million in 2014.

What country has a population of 15 million?

Countries in the world by population (2021)

# Country (or dependency) Migrants (net)
14 Egypt -38,033
15 Vietnam -80,000
16 DR Congo 23,861
17 Turkey 283,922

Which country has lowest population?

Vatican City
1. Vatican City: With a population of around 1,000 people (as per 2017 data), Vatican City is the least populated country in the world. Interestingly, Vatican City is also the smallest country in the world by land area at 0.17 square miles (0.44 square km).

How many people are in the world 2021?

7.9 Billion
7.9 Billion (2021) The current world population is 7.9 billion as of November 2021 according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldometer. The term “World Population” refers to the human population (the total number of humans currently living) of the world.

What country has the most people?

World Population

Rank. Country Population Rank. Country. Population
1. China 1,397,897,720 6. Nigeria
2. India 1,339,330,514 7. Brazil
3. United States 332,475,723 8. Bangladesh

What country has the highest population?

THE WORLD POPULATION AND THE TOP TEN. COUNTRIES WITH THE HIGHEST POPULATION. The ten countries with the largest population in the world today. are China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan,

What is the most populated country in the world?

#China. China is officially the most populated country in the world recording a population of over 1.42 billion in 2018/19.

  • #India. Right behind China,India is at#2 with a record population of 1.37 billion as of 2018/19.
  • #U.S.A.
  • #Indonesia.
  • #Brazil.
  • #Pakistan.
  • #Nigeria.
  • #Bangladesh.
  • #Russia.
  • #Mexico.
  • What is the population of Texas?

    29,183,290 in 2020

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