How much was a gallon of petrol in the UK in 1973?

How much was a gallon of petrol in the UK in 1973?

How much did things cost in 1973?

1973 price Inflation adjusted
Gallon of petrol 39p £3.36
Bottle of whisky (Haig) (Co-op) £2.45 £21.00
Bottle of sherry (Harvey’s Bristol Cream) (Co-op) £1.45 £12.50
Watneys Party 4 (Co-op) 45p £3.90

What was the price of gas in 1972?

Supporting Information

Year Retail Gasoline Price (Current dollars/gallon) Retail Gasoline Price (Constant 2015 dollars/gallon)
1972 0.36 1.59
1973 0.39 1.62
1974 0.53 2.03
1975 0.57 1.98

How much was a litre of petrol in 1975?

In 1975 a litre of petrol cost 16p, according to motoring organisation the AA.

How much was a gallon of petrol in the UK in 1978?

Volume 1: debated on Thursday 26 March 1981

Date four-star derv
15 April 1978 75 84
15 April 1979 88 92
15 April1980 132 135

How much did things cost in 1974 UK?

How much did things cost in 1974?

1974 price Inflation adjusted
Gallon of petrol 50p £3.72
Bottle of whisky (Haig) (Fine Fare) £2.57 £19.00
Bottle of sherry (Harvey’s Bristol Cream) (Tesco) £1.69 £12.60
Watneys Party 4 (Co-op) 60p £4.50

How much was the cost of milk in 1973?

How much did milk cost in 1973?

Cost of a new home: $35,500.00
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.08
Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $0.39
Cost of a dozen eggs: $0.78
Cost of a gallon of Milk: $1.31

How much was gas in the 70s?


Year Gasoline Price/Gal Inflation Adjusted Gas Prices Adj. for January 2020
1970 $0.36 $2.39
1971 $0.36 $2.29
1972 $0.36 $2.22
1973 $0.39 $2.27

What was the price of gas in 1967?

Supporting Information

Year Gasoline Price (Current dollars/gallon) Gasoline Price (Constant 2011 dollars/gallon)
1964 0.30 1.76
1965 0.30 1.73
1966 0.31 1.73
1967 0.32 1.72

How much did things cost in 1972 UK?

Whisky was more expensive in the 1970s than today (allowing for inflation)….Cigarettes and alcohol.

1972 price Inflation adjusted
Bottle of whisky (Haig) £2.52 £24.00
Bottle of sherry (Harvey’s Bristol Cream) £1.25 £12.00
Pint of beer (Courage Tavern) 14-18p £1.32-£1.70
20 cigarettes 26½p £2.50

How much did a car cost in 1970 UK?

It wasn’t always like this. In 1970, a Silver Shadow would have cost £9,272 in old money, the equivalent of £144,509 in new money. Take a moment to consider the average house price in that year – £4,975. A year later, Jaguar unveiled its first V12-engined car: the Jaguar E-Type V12.

How much was a gallon of petrol in the UK in 1975?

How much did things cost in 1975?

1975 price Inflation adjusted
Gallon of petrol 73p £4.43
Bottle of whisky (Haig) (Key Markets) £3.39 £20.50
Bottle of sherry (Harvey’s Bristol Cream) (Fine Fare) £1.69 £10.25
Watneys Party 4 (Peter Dominic) 85p £5.15

How much was a gallon of petrol in 1985?

Petrol Prices

Petrol Prices 1983-2021
Year Price per Litre (p) Price per Gallon (£)
1984 38.7 1.759
1985 42.8 1.946
1986 38.2 1.737

How much did a gallon of petrol cost in the 1970s?

In 1970s a gallon of petrol cost 6s 8d (33p), at the end of the decade it was just short of the pyschological £1 per gallon. Source: Petrol prices 1896 to present, published by the AA Motoring Trust. Today we pay for fuel in litres.

How much did a pint of beer cost in 1972?

These are the prices of a some items from 1972: 1972 price Inflation adjusted Gallon of petrol 35p £3.40 Bottle of whisky (Haig) £2.52 £24.00 Bottle of sherry (Harvey’s Bristol Cream £1.25 £12.00 Pint of beer (Whitbread Tankard) 14-18p £1.32-£1.70

What was the price of petrol in 1975?

IIRC 4 star in 1975 (when I worked the pumps) was about 55p per gallon. Petrol price then and now. – Doc Do you mean the 1978 price adjusted for inflation to 2008?

When did the price of petrol go down?

Fuel duty has remained frozen since 2011. Due to the coronavirus crisis, the international oil price collapsed after the March 2020 figure, resuting in a low of 103.9p/litre in my local area (April 22, 2020).

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