Is drinking shrub good for you?

Is drinking shrub good for you?

Packed with blueberries’ antioxidants, fiber, potassium and vitamin C, this shrub maintains the integrity of the fruit to help lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood, decreasing the risk of heart disease.

What does shrub taste like?

But shrubs are sweet, refreshing and a little bit tart. As it turns out, using vinegar in cocktails dates all the way back to the 18th century, when it was used to keep fruit from spoiling. As a result, shrub mixes have a long shelf life and are perfect for drinking in the warmer months.

What is a shrub in cooking?

Explore the Zingy Flavor of Drinking Vinegars In the drink world, a shrub (or drinking vinegar) is a concentrated syrup that combines fruit, sugar, and vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is the most common base for shrubs, and herbs and spices are often added to create interesting flavor combinations.

How do you use shrubs?

Shrubs can be consumed alone with a bit of sparkling water, or paired iced tea or lemonade. Since they are already acidic, they need to be carefully balanced with citrus juice so if you’re adding juice or lemonade, use a light hand, and taste as you’re building your ingredients.

Is drinking vinegar shrub good for you?

It’s not one of those plants from the garden center. A Shrub is a concoction of at least three ingredients, with vinegar being the key component to preservation. Vinegar is especially good as a health tonic and aid to digestion as evidenced by Asian cultures.

How do you preserve shrub syrup?

Place bottles on a baking tray and put in the oven for 10 minutes or until completely dry. Allow lids to air dry. Pour shrub into sterilised bottles and seal. Keep in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Are shrubs supposed to taste like vinegar?

Taste the shrub—it should be quite tart, but pleasantly so. Stir in more sugar or vinegar to get the flavor you want. 9.

Is shrub an alcoholic?

A shrub is a non-alcoholic syrup made from fruit, herbs, spices, and sugar steeped in a vinegar base to use as a mixer in a variety of cocktails and non-alcoholic drinks. The word “shrub” comes from the Arabic word sharbah, which means “a drink.”

Are drinking vinegars good for you?

Vinegar is used in cooking, baking, and salad dressings and as a preservative. There’s a lot of acid in it, so drinking vinegar straight isn’t recommended. It can cause problems, like eroding the enamel of your teeth, if you get too much.

How long does shrub last in fridge?

How Long Does A Shrub Last In The Fridge? Filled and tightly sealed in a jar, shrubs last about 6 months in the refrigerator if used sparingly. With more frequent use, similar to other condiments that are kept refrigerated, shrubs last 6-8 weeks.

What is a shrub mixer?

What Is A Shrub? In terms of drinks, a shrub is a non-alcoholic syrup made of a combination of concentrated fruits, aromatics, sugar, and vinegar. This sweet, yet acidic mixer is traditionally enjoyed as a component of a mixed drink with soda water.

Does shrub need to be refrigerated?

(Technically, a shrub doesn’t need to be refrigerated; the entire point of the vinegar and sugar is to preserve the fruit juice without refrigeration. But if you have the space in your fridge, it won’t hurt the shrub.)

What’s the best way to make a shrub?

There are many ways to make a shrub, but we prefer the cold-process method in which ripe berries and sugar macerate for a day until they turn into a flavorful syrup. Once you strain the fruit syrup into your jar, you can add all kinds of additional flavors to infuse your final shrub.

What’s the best way to make apple shrub?

Marisa McClellan shared her recipe for apple shrub on Food 52. It’s just three ingredients: shredded apples, apple cider vinegar, and granulated sugar. She suggests mixing it in cocktails, stirring it into sparkling water, or whisking it into a salad dressing.

How to make a shrub from fruit and vinegar?

While there are a few different approaches you can take, this is a basic method. Use one part each fruit and vinegar and add them to a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Shake vigorously for about 20 seconds and then allow it to infuse at room temperature for about a week.

What do you put in a Bon Appetit shrub?

A few to try: a 2″-piece of ginger, peeled and thinly sliced; a small bunch of basil or mint leaves, clapped to release aromas; a few sprigs of fresh rosemary or thyme; or a 3″-piece of lemongrass, tough outer layers removed, smashed.

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