How much does a Gonal F pen cost?

How much does a Gonal F pen cost?

The cost for Gonal-f RFF Pen subcutaneous solution alpha 300 intl units is around $892 for a supply of 0.5 milliliters, depending on the pharmacy you visit….Subcutaneous Solution.

Quantity Per unit Price
0.75 milliliters $1,778.63 $1,333.97

What is Gonal F pen used for?

This medication contains follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and is used to treat certain fertility problems in women. Follitropin alfa helps stimulate healthy ovaries to produce eggs.

How many units are in a Gonal F pen?

The Gonal-f® RFF Pen delivery system delivers at least 300 IU, 450 IU, or 900 IU, equivalent to a maximum of four 75 IU injections, six 75 IU injections or twelve 75 IU injections, respectively.

What is the generic drug for Gonal F?

Gonal-F (follitropin alfa) and Follistim AQ (follitropin beta injection) are follicle-stimulating hormones (FSHs) used to treat infertility in women.

How much does GONAL F cost UK?

Gonal-f 300units/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens (Merck Serono Ltd)

Active ingredients Size Drug tariff price
Follitropin alfa 600 unit per 1 ml 1 £112.80

Is menopur better than GONAL F?

The study analysis also showed that although less oocytes were retrieved in the MENOPUR group vs. GONAL F, MENOPUR appeared to have a clear beneficial effect on the pregnancy rates in women undergoing IVF. IVF procedures make up more than 60 percent of all ART (assisted reproduction treatment) procedures.

How many times can you use a Gonal F pen?

Doses usually range from 75 IU to 450 IU (5.5 µg to 33 µg) per day. To induce ovulation, treatment is usually started at a dose of 75 IU once daily. The dose can be increased by up to 37.5 IU by the doctor after 14 days, and then every 7 days after that.

What can I use instead of Gonal F?

Are there any alternatives to Gonal-F? Follistim AQ and Bravelle are other forms of follitropin that your doctor may prescribe instead of Gonal-F—look for overviews of these options coming soon. This is part of a series of guest posts from fertility doctor Dr. Mousa Shamonki.

Is Bemfola the same as Gonal F?

Bemfola is biosimilar to Gonal-f and the injection device can only be used once single rather than multiple times. It is believed that Bemfola may have a similar safety and effectiveness profile as Gonal-f.

Where do you put the Gonal F Pen?

The Gonal-f pre-filled pen comes with several needles that can be attached, so the Gonal-f pen can be used for several injections. Administration is subcutaneous, just under the skin, in the abdomen or on the thighs. In the following section we are going to to detailed instructions for use: Always put a new needle in the pen before injecting.

How do you set the dose of Gonal F?

Always put a new needle in the pen before injecting. Check that there is a drop of liquid on the tip of the needle. Set the dose of Gonal-f prescribed by the doctor: Turn the dose setting knob until the desired dose appears in the information window. Choosing the injection site.

What is the active ingredient in Gonal F?

The active ingredient of Gonal-f is alpha-folithropin, a recombinant FSH obtained by genetic engineering from Chinese hamster ovary cells. The Gonal-f pen format consists of a pre-filled multi-dose pen that provides different amounts of the medication depending on the dose purchased at the pharmacy.

What does Gonal F do to a woman?

Gonal-f is a hormonal drug that serves to stimulate a woman’s ovaries and trigger the development of follicles during an artificial insemination, conventional IVF or ICSI cycle. On some occasions, Gonal-f is also prescribed to men to stimulate sperm production, a process known as spermatogenesis.

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