How much does a Yorkie Poo puppy cost?

How much does a Yorkie Poo puppy cost?


Here is the Yorkie-Poo at a Glance
Life Span 10 to 15 years
Average new Puppy Price $450 to $1500
Average Annual Medical Expense $435 to $535
Average Annual Non-Medical Expense $300 to $400

What 2 dogs make a Yorkie Poo?

A fun-loving “designer dog” — and therefore a mixed dog breed — a Yorkipoo is a cross between the Yorkshire Terrier and a Toy or Miniature Poodle.

What is the lifespan of a Yorkie Poo?

between 10 and 15 years
This small, energetic breed has a long lifespan that only increases with excellent care. While the average Yorkie Poo lives between 10 and 15 years, vets agree that even that 15 isn’t necessarily a limit.

Do Yorkie Poo dogs bark a lot?

As with many small breeds, the Yorkipoo tends to bark…a lot. Keep obedience training consistent to curb excessive barking. Crate training can be beneficial to help housebreak your Yorkipoo.

How big is a full grown Yorkie Poo?

7-15 inches

height 7-15 inches
weight 5-15 pounds
life span 10-15 years
breed size small (0-25 lbs.)
good with children seniors cats families

Are Yorkie Poos easy to potty train?

Yorkies and poodles are two affectionate and highly trainable breeds. The crossbreed of the two, the Yorkie poo, will catch on to potty training quickly with a little positive reinforcement and a consistent training schedule.

Do Yorkie Poos bark alot?

Are Yorkie Poos smart dogs?

Yorkie Poo’s are an intelligent breed, which makes them a great candidate for training. While the Yorkie Poo is known to be a very social and friendly animal, it is still smart to go through this process to ensure a well-mannered pet down the road. Make sure you have your puppy leash trained before you go out.

Is a male or female Yorkie Poo better?

Male and female Yorkshire Terriers are equally amazing, but each gender has a bit more of certain traits than the other. Female Yorkies are easier to train, more independent, and affectionate while a male Yorkshire Terrier is more playful, social, and equally affectionate. What is this?

Do Yorkie-Poos bark a lot?

Where can I find a Yorkshire Terrier in Arizona?

Yorkies Welcome to Cottonwood Ranch Yorkies! We are located just outside Phoenix Arizona in Litchfield Park AZ and are a small in home breeder of AKC Yorkshire Terriers.

What kind of coat does a yorkiepoo have?

Also known by the name Yorkiedoodle, the Yorkiepoo is a cross between the Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle breeds. The Yorkiepoo has a round face with two button eyes and a small black muzzle and floppy ears. Their coat is soft and silky and can come in white, apricot, black, tan, and tricolor.

What should I do with my yorkiepoo puppy?

Trim their nails as needed and brush their teeth frequently for overall health and fresh breath. Yorkiepoos don’t need an excessive amount of exercise; just a little bit of a walk around the block should be okay. A fenced yard or play area is also great. Their minimal need for exercise makes this crossbreed a good pet for many living situations.

How often do yorkiepoos need to be groomed?

Yorkiepoos typically have a somewhat scruffy coat, although it can also have a curly coat like its Poodle parent. A Yorkiepoo’s grooming needs will depend on its coat, but all Yorkiepoos need regular brushing. The ones with a curlier Poodle-style coat require grooming about every four to six weeks.

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