What does hoosegow mean?

What does hoosegow mean?

a jail
It’s a fine old American slang term for a jail, still widely known today. The word is from Mexican Spanish juzgao, a jail, which came from juzgado for a tribunal or courtroom. It shifted to mean a jail because the two were often in the same building (and the path from the one to the other was often swift and certain).

What’s another word for hoosegow?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hoosegow, like: pokey, pen, house of correction, jail, prison, joint, keep, penitentiary, lockup, can and cooler.

What was a bindlestiff?

: hobo especially : one who carries his clothes or bedding in a bundle.

Whats the meaning of reverently?

1 : honor or respect felt or shown : deference especially : profound adoring awed respect. 2 : a gesture of respect (such as a bow) 3 : the state of being revered. 4 : one held in reverence —used as a title for a clergyman.

Why is jail called pokey?

In the 19th century, the word came to mean “cramped or confined,” as a small room might make a resident feel “poked at” by the walls. Since jail cells are not known for their generous elbow room, this is probably the connection between “poky” (cramped) and “pokey” (jail).

What does roll up a stake mean?

“Rolling up a stake” means when you save money to pay for something. In order to do this, players need to “roll up a stake” to play – meaning, they need to save up enough money for a proper bankroll that covers living expenses and enough money to play at the stakes that they want to play at.

What is the meaning of raptly?

1. Deeply moved or delighted; enraptured: listened to the speaker with rapt admiration. 2. Deeply absorbed; engrossed: was rapt in thought all evening.

What is the dictionary definition of reprehensible?

adjective. open to criticism or rebuke; blameworthy.

What is a bindle bum?

-means like he has “Ants in his pants” (Nervous) “Bindle stiffs”- Steinbeck uses bindle bums. -transient (temporary) farm workers (bums)

What does reverential love mean?

caused by, or full of, a strong feeling of respect and admiration. He gazed at her in reverential awe. Synonyms and related words. Showing love, respect and admiration. loving.

What parried mean?

1 : to ward off (something, such as a blow) parried the thrust of his opponent’s sword. 2 : to evade especially by an adroit answer parried the question.

Are there any synonyms for the word hoosegow?

28 synonyms of hoosegow from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 22 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for hoosegow. Hoosegow: a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody. Synonyms: bastille, big house, bridewell…

Where does the term hoosegow come from in Spanish?

A jail. [Spanish juzgado, tribunal, courtroom, from past participle of juzgar, to judge, from Latin iūdicāre, from iūdex, iūdic-, judge; see judge .] Our Living Language Hoosegow is an old slang synonym for jail with a flavor of the American West: They threw him in the hoosegow for being drunk and disorderly.

Why did they throw him in the hoosegow?

Our Living Language Hoosegow is an old slang synonym for jail with a flavor of the American West: They threw him in the hoosegow for being drunk and disorderly.

Which is the correct spelling Hoosegow or Juzgado?

The spelling hoosegow thus is a pretty good representation of the American Spanish pronunciation of the word juzgado as it might sound to the ears of an English-speaking American, even though hoosegow looks nothing like the actual written form juzgado. The first known occurrence of the word hoosegow dates from 1909,…

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