Is Garak tains son?

Is Garak tains son?

The novel revealed that Mila was, in fact, Garak’s mother; this would explain why she was so dear to Garak, and why Garak lived with her and Tain when Tain never acknowledged him as his son. It’s also revealed that after Garak was exiled from Cardassia, he came to Terok Nor and was placed under Dukat’s command.

What happened to Garak at the end of DS9?

Garak was exiled after being forced even to betray his father/mentor, and they parted bitterly. In fact, Tain refused to give his son any forgiveness when he died alongside Garak in a Dominion prison camp in 2373.

What happened to Garak after the Dominion War?

After the Dominion War, he became a political figure, then served as Cardassian Ambassador to the United Federation of Planets, and eventually Castellan of the Cardassian Union.

What happened to the Obsidian Order?

In 2371, the Obsidian Order and the Romulan Tal Shiar use the Orias System as a staging point for an attempted attack on the Founder homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant. The Obsidian Order is effectively wiped out.

Who was Garak’s father?

Enabran Tain
Elim Garak/Father

Who plays garak Deep Space Nine?

Andrew Jordt Robinson
Andrew Jordt Robinson (born 14 February 1942; age 79) is an actor who is best known to Star Trek fans for portraying Elim Garak on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He also provided the voice of Garak in the video games Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Fallen and Star Trek Online, and wrote the novel A Stitch in Time.

Why does Sisko want to meet Elim Garak?

Sisko contacts Elim Garak because of his skills at retrieving highly classified and guarded information (namely, secret Dominion war plans that Sisko can employ in convincing the Romulan government).

Who are the Romulans in Star Trek Enterprise?

Romulans are an offshoot of Vulcans When the Enterprise first encounters Romulans, they’re the first humans to actually see the race, and their physical similarities to Vulcans leaves some crew members questioning Spock’s (Leonard Nimoy) loyalty. Their similar features aren’t a coincidence — Romulans are an offshoot of the Vulcan species.

Where did Elim Garak get his Klingonese from?

Garak learned Klingonese at some point during his time at the Obsidian Order, a fact he revealed when he spoke to a group of Klingons confronting Constable Odo. ( DS9: ” The Way of the Warrior “) In 2368, Garak somehow betrayed Tain, and Tain ordered him killed. Garak escaped, but was exiled from his homeworld of Cardassia Prime.

What happens to the Romulan shuttle in the Pale Moonlight?

Instead, the Romulan’s shuttle explodes, killing him and damaging the forged data rod. An investigation points to the Dominion, but while the rest of his crew is ecstatic, Sisko is infuriated. He confronts Garak, who admits he suspected the rod might not pass inspection and placed a bomb on Vreenak’s shuttle to guarantee the plan worked.

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