What language is transformice written in?

What language is transformice written in? Transformice (TFM) is an online multiplayer Flash game released on 1 May 2010. It was created by Melibellule (artist), and Tigrounette (programmer), who later formed the company Atelier 801. It is written in ActionScript 3.0 and the flash-port of Box2D. How many players does Transformice have? Transformice Month Avg. […]

What documents do I need to take on holiday?

What documents do I need to take on holiday? The Essentials Find Holiday Checklist. Packed. Valid Passport(s) Packed. Find Out More. Airline Ticket(s) Packed. EHIC. Packed. Find Out More. Visa. Packed. Insurance Documentation. Packed. Credit Card/Cash. Packed. ID/Driving License. Packed. What do I need to print off for my holiday? You’ll need to bring your […]

What is SharePoint farm administrator?

What is SharePoint farm administrator? SharePoint farm administrator role and responsibilities A SharePoint administrator is responsible for the installation, configuration, maintenance, management and software upgrades of SharePoint farms. They must also configure service applications, maintain and manage the content databases. What are service accounts in SharePoint? SharePoint Web Applications The user account that the worker […]

Does Jeff sleep with Annie Community?

Does Jeff sleep with Annie Community? Because it’s not a relationship. A relationship involves sex, which, okay, yes, is happening, but Annie only sleeps over Jeff’s on the weekends, which are pretty much filled with sex 24/7. What is wrong with Jeff in Community? Everyone was aware that Jeff had insecurities but they became more […]

Why are Factorials important?

Why are Factorials important? It’s very useful for when we’re trying to count how many different orders there are for things or how many different ways we can combine things. For example, how many different ways can we arrange n things? We have n choices for the first thing. What is factorial in math but […]

Are IB exams harder than AP?

Are IB exams harder than AP? IB higher level is, at some high schools, considered harder than AP. Most colleges give credit for AP exams and higher-level IB exams, but not all give credit for standard-level IB exams. Does Harvard like IB or AP? Does Harvard prefer IB or AP courses? Harvard does not explicitly […]

When were police cars first used in the UK?

When were police cars first used in the UK? 1913. One of the earliest recorded police cars makes its debut with the Bedfordshire force. The vehicle, an 11.9 h.p. four-seater, Arrol Johnston car came complete with hood, screen, head lamps, side and tail lamps and cost the force £290 (around £30,000 in todays money). Can […]

What is multinomial logistic regression used for?

What is multinomial logistic regression used for? Multinomial logistic regression is used to predict categorical placement in or the probability of category membership on a dependent variable based on multiple independent variables. The independent variables can be either dichotomous (i.e., binary) or continuous (i.e., interval or ratio in scale). What is logistic regression explain with […]

Does Medicaid pay for assisted living facilities in Florida?

Does Medicaid pay for assisted living facilities in Florida? Monetary Benefits for Assisted Living Medicaid In Florida, Medicaid will generally help with assisted living costs by reducing the by $1,100-$1,500/month. Medicaid does not pay for the room and board for the ALF, but only can pay for the medical portion. Does Social Security pay for […]

What is the story of Theseus summary?

What is the story of Theseus summary? Theseus is a legendary hero from Greek mythology who was considered an early king of Athens. Famously killing villains, Amazons, and centaurs, his most celebrated adventure was his slaying of the fearsome Minotaur of the Cretan king Minos. What does the myth of Theseus explain? The most famous […]

Is NRG dog food discontinued?

Is NRG dog food discontinued? To NRG customers: Unfortunately, NRG has shut down their business so we no longer carry this brand. We strongly recommend following brands in replacement of NRG dog food. What is the price for dog food? How Much Does Dog Food Cost? Typical costs: Basic dry kibble, on average, costs between […]

Why does it sound like water in my ear?

Why does it sound like water in my ear? Eustachian tube dysfunction happens when your eustachian tubes don’t open or close properly. This can lead to a crackling or popping sound in your ear. Other symptoms of this condition may include: a feeling of fullness or congestion in your ear. How do I get rid […]

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