Who is the final boss MGS4?

Who is the final boss MGS4?

Liquid Ocelot
The final battle with Liquid Ocelot is here after the long cutscenes. Instead of shooting him, you will face it off with a good old fist fight. Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon! The battle is split into four parts.

How do you beat Ocelot in MGS4?

Final Boss: Liquid Ocelot

  1. Keep Liquid at a comfortable distance and counterattack whenever possible.
  2. Blocking will save your life against Liquid’s heaviest punches and strikes.
  3. When using CQC, be quick on the buttons or you’ll get hammered.

Was Ocelot faking liquid?

At the end of MGS4 Big Boss tells Snake that Liquid’s “possession” of Ocelot was a planned ruse in order to fool the Patriots as means of lowering The Patriots’ guard. Big Boss elaborated that Ocelot was able to use hypnosis and psychotherapy, drugs, and nanomachines to transplant Liquid’s personality onto himself.

Is Revolver Ocelot a bad guy?

Revolver Ocelot, also known as Major Ocelot and Liquid Ocelot, is an agent of the Patriots and former member of FOXHOUND known for his skills as a gunslinger and the main antagonist of the Metal Gear Solid series.

What happened to Ocelot in MGS4?

Though Liquid Ocelot seemingly died from exhaustion, Big Boss explained that he had actually been killed by the new FOXDIE virus with which Snake had been infected by the Patriots via Drebin 893.

How do you beat Liquid Snake?

Liquid’s attacks become stronger over the course of the battle, so stick to hit and run tactics in order to wear him down. Once Liquid Snake is extremely low on health, wait for him to go near the edge of Metal Gear Rex and go in for a strike. This should boot him off the edge and into the void.

Why did Ocelot use liquids arm?

In the lead-up to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Revolver Ocelot removed Liquid’s arm in an attempt to fix some of the psychological damage he had done to himself. He then allowed Liquid’s psyche to fully take over, embracing the new personality of Liquid Ocelot.

Who is Big Boss and Solid Snake?

Having his genetic code used as part of the government project Les Enfants Terribles, Big Boss was the genetic father of Solid Snake (his subordinate and later nemesis), Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake.

Does Ocelot love Big Boss?

9 Ocelot Was In Love With Big Boss All Along Metal Gear Solid 4 further plays with the idea by having Ocelot kiss Snake during the final battle, and The Phantom Pain more or less confirms Ocelot’s infatuation with Big Boss.

Who is the floating boy?

Psycho Mantis
Psycho Mantis returns as one of the central antagonists in The Phantom Pain under the codename Tretij Rebenok (Russian: третий ребенок, lit. “Third Child”). Though unnamed at the time, he was initially revealed in the GDC 2013 trailer for The Phantom Pain.

Who are the bosses in Metal Gear Solid 4?

Bosses 1. Laughing Octopus (LOCT) 2. Raging Raven (RRAV) 3. Crying Wolf (CWOL) 4. Vamp (VAMP) 5. Metal Gear Ray (MGRAY) 6. Screaming Mantis (SMAN) 7. Liquid Ocelot (LOCE) V. Additional Tactics (USER) VI. Contact Info VII.

What is Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots?

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a story-driven adventure game, with seasoned hero Solid Snake drafted for one final mission.

Where is the Psyche gauge in Metal Gear Solid 4?

– The psyche gauge is just below Snake’s health bar. The higher the bar is, the greater Snake’s psyche is, and thus, better performance. High amounts of stress in combat will cause his psyche to deplete gradually; this occurs frequently during bosses and will drop your aim considerably.

What kind of boss is Laughing Octopus Metal Gear Solid?

Unlike most first bosses in the series, Laughing Octopus is not a push around and can deal some serious damage if you don’t think on your feet. Octopus will rely on the same technology – Octocamo as well as facecamo which allows her to take on the face or even shape of another object or person.

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