What is Captek crown?

What is Captek crown?

Captek is an 88 percent gold composite alloy coping that serves as the substructure in a porcelain-to-Captek crown. Specifically, the gold composite alloy coping consists of approximately 88 percent gold, 4 percent platinum, 4 percent palladium, 3 percent silver, 1 percent iridium, and 1 percent ruthenium.

What is zirconia crown?

Zirconia dental crowns are made from zirconium dioxide, a white powdered ceramic material. Its ceramic properties and the fact that is milled from a single block make it a strong dental prosthetic. In fact, its strength allows for far thinner dental crowns than those made with metals.

What are the disadvantages of zirconia crowns?

One potential disadvantage of a zirconia crown is its opaque appearance, which can make it look less than natural. This is especially true for monolithic zirconia crowns, which are made just from zirconia, although it may be less of an issue for teeth in the back of your mouth.

How long do zirconia teeth last?

Benefits of zirconia crowns The main benefit of zirconia crowns is their strength and longevity. Most crowns can last a good 10 to 15 years, and a zirconia crown may even last a lifetime.

Does zirconia look like real teeth?

Types of Zirconia Used on Crowns Framework zirconia is best for anterior and posterior multi-unit bridges. By masking this versatile material with porcelain or glass, it can look almost like a natural tooth. Full-contour zirconia works better as a monolithic restoration.

Can zirconia crowns break?

Today, we have Zirconia porcelains which are made from the same material as Zirconia (artificial) diamond. These porcelains are almost impossible to break. It is said that you can drive a truck over one of these crowns without breaking it.

When to use captek over dental implants?

Since Captek prevents plaque and calculus accumulation, it is best for restoring the teeth of cardiac patients. Restorations over implants: Captek gold copings provide excellent results when they are used to prepare crowns or bridges, which are placed over dental implants.

What kind of material is captek dental prosthesis made of?

Captek is a unique gold composite coping that is used for fabrication of fixed dental prosthesis. Reinforced with optimal amounts of platinum and palladium chips, Captek copings are exceptionally strong and durable, even more so than the metal-ceramic and all-ceramic prostheses. The Gold Composite Technology

What do you need to know about captek crowns?

Captek Crowns What is a Captek crown? A Captek crown is a unique gold composite coping that is used for the fabrication of fixed dental prostheses. Reinforced with optimal amounts of platinum and palladium chips, Captek copings are exceptionally strong and durable, even more so than the metal-ceramic and all-ceramic prostheses.

What does captek gold do to your teeth?

Captek’s™ gold material reduces the accumulation of harmful bacteria at the gum line by 90% compared to natural tooth structure. The light-dispersion effects of Captek™ crowns are designed to mimic those of healthy natural tooth structure.

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