How many Afghan will us take?

How many Afghan will us take?

WASHINGTON (AP) — At least 50,000 Afghans are expected to be admitted into the United States following the fall of Kabul as part of an “enduring commitment” to help people who aided the American war effort and others who are particularly vulnerable under Taliban rule, the secretary of homeland security said Friday.

What percentage of Americans support the war in Afghanistan?

A majority 57% of Americans now oppose the war in Afghanistan, while 42% still support it.

Why are people fleeing Afghan?

Women and girls and their families, especially those who fear that they can no longer work or study, are also motivated to flee the country. The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) has projected that a half million Afghans may seek to leave by the end of 2021.

Who started the Afghanistan conflict?

the United States
The War in Afghanistan was a conflict that took place from 2001 to 2021 in Afghanistan. It began when the United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban-ruled Islamic Emirate.

How many Afghan live in Sweden?

According to Statistics Sweden, as of 2016, there are a total 34,754 Afghanistan-born immigrants living in Sweden. Of those, 28,049 are citizens of Afghanistan (17,602 men, 10,447 women).

What was the percentage of support for the war in Afghanistan?

The 230-page document compared polls in the public domain on virtually every aspect of the war and serves as an important part of record in the history of US involvement. Most polls showed initial support for the decision to go to war in Afghanistan in the 85% to 90% plus range.

Is the US winning the war in Afghanistan?

In four CNN/ORC polls from 2008–2010, majorities said the US was not winning the war there. In June 2011, however, a month after US forces killed Osama bin Laden, nearly half (47%) said the US was winning the war, but 46% said it was not. Even this high-profile event could not change the long-term trajectory of opinions.

How big is the margin of error in Afghanistan?

Margin of error ± 3.5. “As you may know, Obama has halted the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, saying the current force of 98-hundred troops will remain in place through most of next year, and 55-hundred will stay into 2017. Is this something you support or oppose?”

How many u.s.troops are still in Afghanistan?

“As you may know, Obama has halted the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, saying the current force of 98-hundred troops will remain in place through most of next year, and 55-hundred will stay into 2017. Is this something you support or oppose?” ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Dec. 11-14, 2014. N=1,000 adults nationwide.

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