What are some rhyming words for food?

What are some rhyming words for food?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
brood 100 Noun, Verb
screwed 100 Verb
chewed 100 Verb
glued 100 Adjective

What word rhymes with restaurants?

Words that rhyme with restaurant

ignorant dominant
itinerant malignant
merchant persistent
poignant recalcitrant
reluctant repellent

What rhymes Lincoln?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
pinken 100 Verb, Noun
Rincon 100 Name
Schinken 100 Name, Verb
schminken 100 Other

Does food and good rhyme?

For example, the words good and food do not rhyme. Good has the other u sound /ʊ/, and food, has the oo sound /u/. Good, food.

What rhymes with meal for a poem?

syllable: beal, creel, deal, eel, feel, he’ll, heal, heel, keel, kiel, kneel, leal, lille, neal, neil, peal, peel, peele, real, reel, riel, seal, seel, she’ll, spiel, squeal, steal, steel, steele, teal, veal, we’ll, weil, wheal, wheel, zeal.

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  • What are two foods that rhyme?

    List of Rhyming Foods

    • Alfredo / potato / tomato.
    • Almond roca / mocha.
    • Apple / scrapple / Snapple.
    • Artichoke / Coke / egg yolk.
    • Avocado / adobado / amontillado / dorado / muscovado.
    • Baloney / cannelloni / macaroni / minestrone / pepperoni / rigatoni / spumoni.
    • Beans / greens / nectarines / sardines / tangerines.

    What words can’t be rhymed?

    There are many words that have no rhyme in the English language. “Orange” is only the most famous. Other words that have no rhyme include: silver, purple, month, ninth, pint, wolf, opus, dangerous, marathon and discombobulate.

    What word rhymes with feel?

    Word Rhyme rating Categories
    squeal 100 Noun, Verb
    steal 100 Verb
    steel 100 Noun
    Steele 100 Name

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