What is the current issue surrounding the temple of Preah Vihear?

What is the current issue surrounding the temple of Preah Vihear?

The Temple is situated on Cambodian territory; Thailand is under an obligation to withdraw any military or police force stationed there and to restore to Cambodia any objects removed from the ruins since 1954.

What happened between Thailand and Cambodia?

In February 2011, when Thai officials were in Cambodia negotiating the dispute, Thai and Cambodian troops clashed, resulting in injuries and deaths on both sides. Artillery bombardment in the area occurred during the conflict. The Cambodian government has claimed that damage occurred to the temple.

On which basis the the temple of Preah Vihar 1962 case was decided?

In its Judgment on the merits, rendered on 15 June 1962, the Court noted that a Franco-Siamese Treaty of 1904 provided that, in the area under consideration, the frontier was to follow the watershed line, and that a map based on the work of a Mixed Delimitation Commission showed the Temple on the Cambodian side of the …

Which of the following territorial disputes exists between Thailand and Cambodia?

Thailand and Cambodia relations were in disharmony over the possession issue of Preah Vihear Temple. The dispute over nearby Preah Vihear territory had caused several times armed conflict between those countries’ militaries.

Why did Thailand invade Cambodia?

The war began in 1591 when Ayutthaya invaded Cambodia in response to continuous Khmer raids into their territory. The Kingdom of Cambodia was also facing religious disagreements within the country. This gave the Siamese a perfect opportunity to invade. The first invasion was interrupted before it achieved its goals.

Why did the ICJ rule in Favour of Cambodia in the case of Preah Vihear?

“Cambodia had sovereignty over the whole territory of the promontory of Preah Vihear,” ICJ judge Peter Tomka said at The Hague. “In consequence, Thailand was under an obligation to withdraw from that territory Thai military or police forces or other guards or keepers who were stationed there.”

Who built Preah Vihear Temple?

King Yasovarman I
The temple was started by King Yasovarman I (889-910 AD), who built the foundations and the eastern stairs, which rise about a kilometre above the forested plains below it. King SuryavarmanI (1002-1050) and his son King Udayadityavarman II (1050-1068) pushed for many of the larger carved stones found in the temple.

What is Preah Vihear?

Preah Vihear Temple (Khmer: ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ Prasat Preah Vihear) is an ancient Khmer temple built during the period of the Khmer Empire, that is situated atop a 525-metre (1,722 ft) cliff in the Dângrêk Mountains, in the Preah Vihear province, Cambodia.

When did Cambodia win the Preah Vihear trial from Thailand?

Cambodian–Thai border dispute

Date 22 June 2008 – 15 December 2011 (3 years, 5 months, 3 weeks and 2 days)
Location Cambodian–Thai border
Result ICJ decision awards promontory of Preah Vihear to Cambodia

Where did Cambodian refugees go?

Many of the Cambodian refugees initially fled to neighboring Thailand. There, they were put in refugee camps in which they endured poor conditions. Although some Cambodians remained in Thailand, thousands eventually were permitted to come to the United States at the beginning of the 1980’s.

How did Cambodian refugees get to Thailand?

They never arrived. Instead, they were abandoned on the frontier to begin a four – day trek through the mountainous jungles of war-ravaged Cambodia, under the armed escort and without adequate food.

Why is the Preah Vihear temple important?

The importance of these temples, especially Preah Vihear, considered one of the masterpieces of Khmer architecture, for both countries stems from the ancient heritage of the Khmer empire, to which both states lay claim, to some degree, for their cultural ancestry.

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