What are the causes of abdominal distension?

What are the causes of abdominal distension?

The main causes of generalised abdominal distension are easily remembered by the five Fs: Fat (obesity) Faeces (constipation) Fetus (pregnancy)…The most common causes are:

  • Obesity.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Constipation.
  • Fibroids.
  • Enlarged bladder.

What causes abdominal distension in premature babies?

Premature neonates are particularly susceptible to abdominal distension because of gut immaturity, relative immune deficiency and frequent exposure to invasive procedures.

How do you know if your baby’s stomach is distended?

Abdominal Distension/Bloating Your baby might also be irritable and cry more than usual because of the discomfort in his tummy. He might pass more wind than normal, and may burp, belch or pass gas excessively.

Is my newborn’s stomach distended?

Abdominal distension Most babies’ bellies normally stick out, especially after a large feeding. Between feedings, however, they should feel soft. If your child’s abdomen feels swollen and hard, and if she has not had a bowel movement for more than one or two days or is vomiting, call your pediatrician.

Is it normal for newborns stomach to get bigger?

It’s normal for a baby’s abdomen (belly) to appear somewhat full and rounded. When your baby cries or strains, you may also note that the skin over the central area of the abdomen may protrude between the strips of muscle tissue making up the abdominal wall on either side.

What do you do when a baby’s stomach is bloated?

Abdominal Distension/Bloating

  1. Feed your baby in a slightly reclining position. This helps reduce the amount of air he swallows.
  2. Don’t overfeed the little one. Stop feeding him if he refuses or turns away from the bottle or breast.
  3. Burp during and after feeding to avoid the build-up of air in your baby’s tummy.

What does it mean when a baby’s stomach is tight?

Abdominal distension If your child’s abdomen feels swollen and hard, and if she has not had a bowel movement for more than one or two days or is vomiting, call your pediatrician. Most likely the problem is due to gas or constipation, but it also could signal a more serious intestinal problem.

What causes abdominal distension in early newborns?

[Clinical characteristics of abdominal distention in early newborns] Congenital malformations may be the major cause of abdominal distension in early newborns. Sepsis and congenital megacolon are the single disease most frequently associated with abdominal distention in preterm and full-term newborns respectively.

What are the symptoms of abdominal distention in preterm babies?

Vomiting was a main symptom associated with abdominal distension, occurring in 64.0% of the full-term newborns and 44.6% of the preterm newborns. The most pronounced X-ray manifestation was bowel distention with an air-fluid level in the preterm group (47.7%) but was bowel distention without a fluid level in the full-term group (57.3%).

What causes distention in the intestinal tract?

The differential diagnosis of constipation can be reviewed here. Abdominal distention is caused by some type of abdominal obstruction or space-occupying lesion that blocks or impinges on the intestinal lumen. This leads to failure of the intestinal contents to pass through the intestinal tract.

What is the differential diagnosis of abdominal distention?

The differential diagnosis of abdominal distention includes: Anatomical Annular pancreas Neonatal Meconium ileus Infectious/Inflammatory Appendicitis Other Adhesions

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