What is the molecular weight of acetone?

What is the molecular weight of acetone?

58.08 g/mol
Acetone/Molar mass

Is chloroform a structure?

The molecule has the typical structure of a methane, which is the most related molecule due to chloroform is a methane where 3 hydrogen atoms has been substituted by 3 chloride atoms. Thus, the structure of the chloroform is a tetrahedral.

Is chloroform hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

In contrast to water, oganic solvents like ethanol and even more so chloroform, are non-polar because they can make few if any hydrogen bonds. The structure of water leads to the hydrophobic effect. � Molecules, or parts of molecules, that are unable to form hydrogen bonds have a hard time dissolving in water.

What is formula of chloroform?


Is chloroform heavier than air?

VOLATILE COLOURLESS LIQUID WITH CHARACTERISTIC ODOUR. The vapour is heavier than air. Decomposes on contact with hot surfaces or flames. This produces toxic and corrosive fumes of hydrogen chloride (see ICSC 0163), phosgene (see ICSC 0007) and chlorine (see ICSC 0126).

Why chloroform is used?

Chloroform is used as a solvent, a substance that helps other substances dissolve. Also, it is used in the building, paper and board industries, and in pesticide and film production. It is used as a solvent for lacquers, floor polishes, resins, adhesives, alkaloids, fats, oils and rubber.

Is chloroform flammable or corrosive?

corrosive, highly irritating or toxic substances.

What is the molecular weight of DNA?

650 g/mol
The average weight of a single DNA bp is 650 daltons. This can also be written as 650 g/mol (= molar mass). This is the same as saying that one mole of a bp weighs 650 g.

What is molecular weight unit?

Kilogram per mole
Molar mass/SI units

Is chloroform flammable?

Although not readily flammable, chloroform can decompose forming harmful products such as hydrogen chloride and phosgene.

Is it illegal to have chloroform?

Although synthesizing chloroform requires the sophisticated knowledge of a chemist, there is no permit necessary to purchase it, and the substance can be readily purchased at most chemical-supply stores. But remember: Just because you can get your hands on it, doesn’t mean you can use it like they do in the movies.

What is the chemical formula for chloroform?

The formula of the chemical compound Chloroform is CHCl3

How do you calculate the average molecular weight?

The formula mass (formula weight) of a molecule is the sum of the atomic weights of the atoms in its empirical formula. The molecular mass ( molecular weight) of a molecule is its average mass as calculated by adding together the atomic weights of the atoms in the molecular formula.

How do you calculate molecular mass?

Molecular mass may be calculated by taking the atomic mass of each element present and multiplying it by the number of atoms of that element in the molecular formula. Then, the number of atoms of each element is added together.

How do you calculate the mass of a mole?

Answer Wiki. In order to calculate the mass of one mole of a molecule, we must simply find the atomic weight of each atom in that molecule, multiply each by the number of times it appears, and add them all together.

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