Were soldiers allowed to keep diaries?

Were soldiers allowed to keep diaries?

Soldiers were officially forbidden from keeping diaries for similar security purposes, but many did so anyway. Writing likely helped these soldiers remember things and try to make sense of what they were experiencing. For those of us who get to read those diaries now, it also helps us learn so much more.

What is in a war diary?

A war diary is a regularly updated official record kept by military units of their activities during wartime. All significant military actions, relocations, important messages and orders, casualties, material losses, reinforcements etc. were to be recorded.

Why did soldiers keep diaries in World War 1?

The purpose of the War Diary was to create a record of the operations of the unit on active service. It would record the part it was playing in a battle and would usually list the number of men who went into action and the number of casualties when the unit came out of the action.

Can you look up if someone was dishonorably discharged?

Terms of discharge from the military, including dishonorable discharge, are outlined in enlisted soldiers’ or warrant officers’ military service personnel records. To obtain a soldier’s official records, submit Standard Form 180 to the National Personnel Records Center.

Who was awarded the soldier’s Medal during World War 2?

Marty Allen, USAAF, was awarded the Soldier’s Medal for bravery during a plane fire. Edith Ellen Greenwood of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps (ANC) during World War II for saving fifteen patients.

Are there any diaries from the Second World War?

Second World War diaries can be quite hard to find for the following reasons: Unlike First World War unit war diaries which are contained within a single record series (WO 95) Second World War diaries are found within nineteen series. The majority of these series only contain war diaries for specific theatres.

Where can I find Second World War medals?

If a soldier applied for their Second World War medals then there should be a CS 20 Application for Issue of Campaign Stars and Medals held by the Ministry of Defence Medal Office. There are over 1.5 million of these cards which a soldier filled out when they claimed their medals.

What do you need to know about soldiers war diaries?

After a soldier’s service record, the most important documents to consult if you want to learn more about their service are the war diaries of the units they served with. Many people are disappointed after receiving a service record from the Ministry of Defence, confronted with page after page of dates, abbreviations and acronyms.

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