What does Artibonite mean?

What does Artibonite mean?

Artibonite (Haitian Creole: Latibonit) is one of the ten departments of Haiti. With an area of 4,887 km2 it is Haiti’s largest department. As of 2015, its estimated population was 1,727,524. The region is the country’s main rice-growing area. The main cities are Gonaïves (the capital) and Saint-Marc.

Where is the Artibonite River?

The Artibonite River (Spanish: Río Artibonito; Haitian Creole: Latibonit) is the longest river in Haiti, and the longest on the island of Hispaniola. It is also the second-longest river in the Caribbean, behind the Cauto River in Cuba.

How many rivers are in Haiti?

7 RIVERS AND WATERFALLS Although over a hundred streams flow throughout Haiti, the only large river is the Artibonite, which is 245 kilometers (145 miles) in length.

How many departments are there in Haiti?

ten departments
Haiti is divided administratively into ten departments, which are further subdivided into 42 arrondissements, 145 communes, and 571 communal sections.

How long is the Artibonite river?

199 mi
Artibonite River/Length

What is the biggest body of water in Haiti?

Lake Azuéi
Lake Azuéi, the largest lake in Haiti, lies about 18 miles east of Port-au-Prince, the capital, nestled along the border with the Dominican Republic. Also known as Étang Saumâtre, the lake rose so much between 2004 and 2009 that it engulfed dozens of square miles.

Does Haiti have desert?

The country’s varied scenery include lush green cloud forests (in some of the mountain ranges and the protected areas), high mountain peaks, arid desert, mangrove forest, and palm tree-lined beaches. Since arrival of aboriginal man, the biodiversity of Haiti has been significantly diminished due to human exploitation.

What is the biggest department in Haiti?

Departments of Haiti

# Department Area (km²)
1 Artibonite 4,895
2 Centre 3,597
3 Grand’Anse 3,100
4 Nippes 1,219

What is Haiti known for?

Haiti was the first independent black republic in the world and achieved this by defeating Napoleon and the French colonists, who were using slave labor to grow lucrative crops on the island. The Haitian people managed to overthrow the French at the Battle of Vertiéres at the end of 1803 to become a free country.

How did Haiti start?

The recorded history of Haiti began on 5 December 1492, when the European navigator Christopher Columbus landed on a large island in the region of the western Atlantic Ocean that later came to be known as the Caribbean.

Do crocodiles live in Haiti?

The American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is a species that lives mainly in Central America, on the west coast of Mexico, northern South America and South Florida. This is a population of this species, which lives in the Lake Azuéi, between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

How big is the Department of Artibonite in Haiti?

Artibonite (department) Artibonite ( Haitian Creole: Latibonit) is one of the ten departments of Haiti. With an area of 4,887 km 2 it is Haiti’s largest department. As of 2015, its estimated population was 1,727,524. The region is the country’s main rice-growing area. The main cities are Gonaïves (the capital) and Saint-Marc.

Where does the name l’Artibonite come from?

The name L’Artibonite is derived from the Artibonite River . Population health in Haiti has suffered from political instability and natural disasters. The Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti is located in Deschapelles, Haiti.

Which is the main city in the Artibonite department?

The main cities are Gonaïves (the capital) and Saint-Marc. In February 2004 an insurgency tried unsuccessfully to declare Artibonite’s independence. The department has been in a state of an economic decline since insurgencies and coups have reduced the nation’s stability.

Where does the Artibonite River begin and end?

It rises in the Cordillera Central (Cibao Mountains) of the Dominican Republic and flows southwest along the border with Haiti and then west and northwest into Haiti and through the fertile Artibonite Plain to enter the Gulf of La Gonâve after a course of 150 miles (240 km).

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